Why Work? > Why Work?

Thinking Against the Grain


Nation of One:
Thinking Against the Grain

I believe work is a tool for social control. When I was younger I was given a job with the Parks Service, away from the public ... where I wouldn't upset the apple-cart. Somehow, after about ten years working in the woods and fields, I still managed to upset the apple-cart.

Now I am afraid to go on interviews because I know in my heart I don't want to be "caged" and "controlled". I don't want to become another drone.

I imagine someone saying, "Would you please keep that ****. Please just place him in a cubicle, keep him very busy, and monitor him. Monitor him!  Make sure he's not posting his crazy nonsense on the Internet on COMPANY TIME!"

I think I am better off in self-imposed solitary confinement.

The people who have authority have it for a reason.  They are wired in such a way where they give orders and follow orders.  They have no thinkers.  All orders come from the top and they follow a chain of command.  The people who have the power have internalized the values of the dominant society: such as "ownership" and "property" ... reward for conformity ...

I have an innate revulsion against being treated like somebody's property. The less the job pays, the more likely your immediate supervisor will be rewarded by the sweat of your brow.

Case in point: the postal service. In the USA, the managers are encouraged (via some kind of increase in pay) to hassle, harass, and psychologically whip the mail-handlers. The more work they do, the more their work-load increases. The more the underlings deliver, the more likely the manager will get a bonus - not the mail-carriers themselves, their supervisor, the overseer!

Those in power would never dream of a solution that involved limits. Why not just get mail every other day? Why every day? After the fuel peaks, solutions that once seemed "radical" will be common sense.

If we become too disruptive or too effective in our fight for justice, we're likely to be placed on skid-row or public assistance. If we manage to survive, we won't be taken seriously, since, well - there is a stigma against poverty, you know. When we wake up and begin to become honest critics of Power, we won't make it within the institutions in the first place, particularly if we have been honest from the time we were young — we are simply weeded out somewhere along the line.

So, in most cases, the people who adapt to the institutions and are able to remain in them, with their slave mentality, have already internalized the "right" kinds of beliefs: it's not a problem for them to be obedient; they already are obedient, that's how they got there. The current word for "obedience" is "loyalty". Honest critics of Power are perceived as "disloyal". And that's pretty much how the ideological control system perpetuates itself in the schools and in other institutions.

People get ahead for their obedience to Power, and those who think independently get weeded out.

--- Quote ---Money is our madness, our vast collective madness.
And of course, if the multitude is mad
the individual carries his own grain of insanity around with him.
I doubt if any man living hands out a pound note without a pang;
and a real tremor, if he hands out a ten-pound note.
We quail, money makes us quail.
It has got us down; we grovel before it in strange terror.
And no wonder, for money has a fearful cruel power among men.
But it is not money we are so terrified of,
it is the collective money-madness of mankind.
For mankind says with one voice: How much is he worth?
Has he no money? Then let him eat dirt, and go cold. --
And if I have no money, they will give me a little bread so I do not die,
but they will make me eat dirt with it.
I shall have to eat dirt, I shall have to eat dirt
if I have no money. It is that that I am frightened of.
And that fear can become a delirium.
It is fear of my money-mad fellow-men.
We must have some money
to save us from eating dirt.
And this is all wrong.
Bread should be free,
shelter should be free,
fire should be free
to all and anybody, all and anybody, all over the world.
We must regain our sanity about money
before we start killing one another about it.
It's one thing or the other.

D. H. Lawrence, Pansies, 1929

--- End quote ---

Money is obscure to analysis because money is a living myth. Money is a religion. — Dr. Francis Cress Welsing


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