Going through some of the posts at whywork.org/forum where we were attacked by trolls like tc33, I noticed that the founder DJ Swanson DID try to warn us to ignore the trolls ... and Irv Thomas, who has since left this world, also stepped up and scolded the trolls for bringing their status quo attitudes to a forum that was fairly non-confrontational for awhile since we were agreeing with each other when stating our forbidden perspectives.
AmericanIdler, Crazy Squirrel ... I agreed and still agree with her view of the political/economic situation. I understand why she is angry with me for my lack of any kind of stance when it comes to women's issues. Debbie, DJ Swanson, and AmericanIdler were all very supportive when I was standing up to the trolls. I appreciated that.
I know it was, what? - X years ago ... X = 2014 - 2006 = 8 years ago ... but ... I know I will not have a chance to do this after about 10 days from today, so this is one of the things I will peck away at while "doing nothing" here on earth. This is just the kind of thread I might want to pay 20 cents per page to print out at a library in the lonely spooky sci-fi existentialist horror near future ...
Here in the US, they're working on possibly raising the minimum wage. From what I've heard, it will come in three installments, the last one raising it up to $7 and some change, but not until 2009. Too little, too late, I say. By that time inflation will render the raises useless, not to mention that the poor saps who toil for just above that won't see a dime!
Anyway, I was reading a thread about this topic in another forum. Most on there are at least middle class, but there are some who are much poorer. The poor on the thread were of the same opinion as I, and they were adding how it's becoming impossible to "get ahead". The rich had a field day with this. They claimed that the poor were all lazy, and so they CHOOSE to remain poor. "Go to college", "move to where the better jobs are", and "start your own business" were their answers. How pretentous, right? Note that their solutions all take lots of money, and have high failure rates! The poor can't afford to fail; failure for them means not being able to eat for months! Even those such as myself, who tried to get out of retail sales hell by going to college and ended up with nothing but debt got shot down with, "Well, you're just not trying hard enough. Surely, you could find SOMETHING with your degree! Life is what you make of it." They also went on to say that you need to go above and beyond the call of duty at work, and to kiss the boss's ass. "No one owes you a living! Having a job is a privilege, and you shouldn't get raises just because you do your job.", they'd add. I couldn't read any more after that; my temper was flaring. I believe that a person can only do so much with their life; what happens beyond that is pretty much all luck, and that hard work and kissing up to the boss does no good these days, even if I were to lower myself to that. Am I way off on this?
The thread is called
Attitudes, but, you know, just in case ... ww.o disappears again. Also, I am purposely not porting over threads that were infested with trolls. Sorry, but, upholders of the status quo have enough mediums where they dominate already.
I think you are right on target on this one. A person should not have to sell there soul to there job just to get ahead.
There ... that's important. It's a simple validation that one is speaking coherently.
Just to let you know the minimum wage here in Australia is now set by the amusingly named "Fair Pay Commmission". The minimum wage for adults australia wide is $12.75, take 24% off for U.S dollars and your at $9.70. You can never be paid below this in Australia..tis illegal. Theres a good chance its also going up.
The minimum wage in the UK is 5.05 pounds sterling. Thats about $12.50 Aus, $9.50 U.S...
The short of it...you guys are being ripped off at least $2.50 U.S per hour even by the time 2009 rolls around in which time both the U.K and here will have likely gone up again. Pretty sure there talking about it in the U.K...time to move.
Well ... The USA has a history which includes actual chattel slavery, and nobody can compete with slaves ... I wonder if there was an actual conspiracy to flood the work force with workers who would not complain about wages and such? I think the bottom is about the fall out ... and that perhaps there will be a slave rebellion. Stay tuned.
minimum wage is a joke
... precisely ... which is why people "go insane" and get paid just a little less than full time minimum wage for "being crazy."
Wow, are we getting ripped off, and we're supposed to the one of the world's richest nations!! Our minimum wage now is only $5.15! Yeah, it's a joke, alright, try even paying the evil rent on $600 a month (which is the wage after Uncle Sam gets ahold of it). How depressing, really.
Also, I noticed that the rich not only wanted the poor to sell their souls to their job, but they also demanded that the poor give up the rest of their lives, as well. One guy said he couldn't move because it would cost too much to move all of his stuff, and scrape up the dough needed for a place to live (first and last months', plus deposit is quite a chunk of change!), and the rich countered that he should sell all of his things (yeah, right, and get pennies on the dollar for it all? No thanks.), and then go without any pleasures of any kind until he had enough for a new place, and they pretty much ended that with saying that it didn't do what they outlined above, that he was choosing to be a loser. No arrogance there...
One last thing...I just read that the wage hike proposal was blocked. All the rich on the board applauded it. The ones that own businesses actually came out and said point blank they didn't want to have to pay their workers any more money. Funny how both Australia and the UK already have a much higher minimum wage...more signs that the US is sliding into Third-world status. Jane, get me off of this crazy thing!
IDEA: Insert George Carlin video ... and ignore tc33's attacks. Carlin got smarter and smarter as he aged ... great role model! I'm serious. A great philosopher!
American DreamI will not transfer tc33's trolling over here. It's my prerogative.
The Dems and Reps are one and the same, and neither care about us. I have since refused to bother voting. Some may say that by doing so, I have no right to complain, but I say that voting for the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil.
A little more from GC:
not votingThe public sucks.
**** hope.
Voting is meaningless. This country was bought and sold a long time ago.
All I know that it's plain to see without taking any fancy college courses that American worker is getting screwed. While I do understand that business owners need to make a profit and so forth, they're doing it at the expense of others, and that's wrong. Aside from high school kids and the like, no adult holding a full-time job should have to go without life's basic needs, and yet, millions in this country do so. I recently read "Nickel and Dimed", and I can tell you from my own experience, and those of my former co-workers, that her book doesn't exaggerate. Anyone who isn't horrified after reading that book has no heart.
Barbara Ehrenreich ... It's true. I always think the people who work at grocery stores or work on the farms must be some kind of saints ... or ... (I must have worked at the wrong grocery store, because some of my co-workers were such assholes I nearly when psychotic right there on the spot ... but decided instead, rather than draw blood, i would look into some kind of compromise ... like ... welfare STATE).
Its pretty common for business to block increases in the minimum wage. Theyve been doing it hear for years, but what use to be called the Industrial Relations Commission has an obligation to ensure the minimum wage at least keeps pace with inflation.
I mean any country that doesnt ensure its workers pay is keeping pace with inflation...normally around 2% in the developed world is really screwing people.
Under Howards new laws...and there like only a couple months old now, there has been cases where people have been getting shafted severaly. Like a boss gives a worker a 0.50c per hour rise in exchange for writing off all there conditions, like fewer sick days, no overtime etc...This has caused a bit of a **** storm here, so now you have the situation where the peak business body here, is now saying they will promote "decent" wage rises for the working poor, because they dont want to be seen as siding one some of the worse aspects of Howards new policy, they dont want to be seen anymore as anti-worker.
All this while Australia still maintains a pretty healthy growth rate. I know thats an arguement in the U.S...it substantially slows down growth..well dont believe the hype, thats just corperate America talking.
Your being treated really badly by your government to be honest..time to kick a few heads, in the literal sense of the term?
I mean why doesnt someone bring these facts up to support a wage rise in the U.S? The information is commonly available.
You are right about the Dems & Reps being one and the same. I find some of these traps infuriating, like this idea that we have no right to complain if we choose not to take part in the sham which is the elections.
We all have the right to complain. Is literature not a stream of complaining about what a bummer it is to be human?
It helps everyone when we verbalize our doubts.
i find that type of response or "counter argument" not only funny, but stupid, it's like the only line of defense people grab to make their reason legitimate...it's completely illogical, it just goes over peoples heads sometimes when you claim you don't vote, like you've comitted the worse sin in the world "OH MY GOD! YOU DON'T VOTE?!" then i love the response after that... "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO COMPLAIN?! WHY DON'T YOU LEAVE AMERICA?" than of course you're "patriotism/nationalism/allegiance" to "your" country is "challenged" hahaha it's so stupid and funny at the same time, i don't know, but i find stupid remarks entertaining sometimes, it's just got this funny/are you fo real? twist to it...it's like "hahahaha....*pause* are you **** serious?"
You're right that the information is out there, in fact, it's freely admitted in the news that our minimum wage hasn't kept pace with inflation for quite a while, now. Add that on top of the fact that Australia and the UK have a much higher wage already, and they're no worse off than the US is, and that gets me rather steamed.
However, all I can do is take myself out of the workforce, which I've already done (Thanks, honey!). As much as I'd like to literally kick some heads in, I realize that doing so would only cause my death, played out on national TV, no less, to serve as a warning to everyone else. Gotta love that gilded cage.
I suppose that we can't take it back from the warlords because there's a lot of people who are in denial about the whole situation, and as for the rest of us who realize what **** we're in, no one wants to die. I don't think much will happen until the majority wakes up, and we all come to the point where we have nothing left to lose.
I take DJ Swanson's advice and do not feed the trolls anymore. That thread ... degenerated into a war with trolls ... mouth pieces for the silent majority ... Maybe, just maybe, it is because of the silent majority and their upholding the status quo that cause some of us to join GC in cursing the masses who do not join our living protest.
I have to confess that I still get a little pissed off when reading some of the troll
**** ... It's that self-satisfied sense of ... Nevermind ... Going through some of those threads gives me the creeps! And so I move on.
Strategize bums me out because I see we thought and thought and thought only to grip the bars of our cage more desperately ...
Some of the threads I will just have to store on a flashdrive and go over in private --- personal stuff I may want to "work through" ...
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