Author Topic: Against Therapy  (Read 5402 times)

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  • Hentrichian Philosophical Pessimist
Graveyards on Mars
« Reply #30 on: July 18, 2024, 01:58:46 pm »
I find it extremely surprising that I’m still breathing. After the kind of primordial darkness that I have witnessed it makes my mind boggle when I face the fact that I’m still around. Why? I mean ,why do I still continue to exist ? It is merely the strong animal instinct that continues to drag me forward. A graveyard is a safer place compared to a mall. The shades would let you be. Men, never.

Sometimes I think that I could write and write and write and never get tired. Of course, that is taradiddle . I am made of blood, flesh and sinew. I am a biological machine that gets tired. That needs to sleep and eat. Being alive is a job that is exceedingly tiring. Tired to breathing. If my blood could speak, it would say- I’m tired of flowing.

Billions upon billions of human beings have lived and died-what did it all achieve? Achievement is a word that is hollow. More, it is a word of abuse. Where are all the ghosts of the people who are no more? Their ghosts smile now. After a lifetime of torment, now, they smile. What would the human race achieve if it were to colonise Mars? Why, we would be able to establish graveyards there!
La Tristesse Durera Toujours                                  (The Sadness Lasts Forever ...)
-van Gogh.

s[(Kid)^(ROCK)] aka "Kaspar Hauser"

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Re: Against Therapy
« Reply #31 on: July 18, 2024, 04:08:13 pm »
You have really developed quite a writer's voice.  I was chuckling while reading your post.   Your description seems to flesh out the essence of The Great Tiredness ... you have a firm grasp on your Lebenswelt, your personal LIFE-WORLD / Philosophy-Personality-Temperament-Nature.

It is a great pleasure to read your complaints about "what a bummer it is to be born a Real Human Being."

There was a novel I had read.  It is from there I had taken the following :

The Great Tiredness is every bit as good as death.  There was no color here, no pain, no emotional weather at all, just an occasional oddness that was the outside world trying to puff itself up into significance when, of course, the secret of the Great Tiredness, the truth of this realm, was that everything was arbitrary and meaningless.  In the Great Tiredness, the transition from sleep to wakefulness was often blurred.    – W.B. Spencer

I had left it in the thread, The Nightwatches of Bonaventura started by Silenus.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2024, 04:22:41 pm by Herr Hauser »
Things They Will Never Tell YouArthur Schopenhauer has been the most radical and defiant of all troublemakers.

Gorticide @ Nothing that is so, is so DOT edu

~ Tabak und Kaffee Süchtigen ~


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  • Posts: 5229
  • Hentrichian Philosophical Pessimist
The Anti-Psychiatry Stance
« Reply #32 on: July 19, 2024, 02:52:34 pm »
I really think coming across you has been the most pivotal event in my life. I made be much,much better equipped to tackle the crazy things that life keeps throwing at me.
Without that event, I would have been much more prone to succumbing to the Gort.
Anyway, I really hope your mother gets better soon. Bodily ailments can be really tough to deal with. I’m sure she’d pull through. She your mother after all.

Lately, I have been realising how useless words can be. Especially spoken words. My parents keep trying to bully me. I always end up regretting almost every word that I utter in their presence. I feel Hindi is not a language that one could speak with a great deal of precision and it creates more ambiguity than clarity. I wish I am never put into the position of having to speak again. I wish we could all communicate ,if we must, with the written word.But that's just fantasy.

The anti-Psychiatry stance is something I have been trying to explore. While I don’t think I agree all that much with Foucault, some of the things that he says about the institutions of the Hospital and that of the Psychiatry really hits home. In the training programme that I recently attended ,there were around fifteen participants. The trainer asked all of us to dance in a very ridiculous way. I was truly surprised that I was the only one to say no to him. I really thought more people would refuse to dance , but I was very wrong. Every single one of them dances.

Freaking dancing bears.

Take care.
La Tristesse Durera Toujours                                  (The Sadness Lasts Forever ...)
-van Gogh.


  • Rebel Monk of Mental Insurrection
  • Posts: 455
The Glitch
« Reply #33 on: July 22, 2024, 09:44:16 am »
  As you know, the more one reigns in the Will through striving for self-control and self-mastery, the more one stands out as a "glitch" in the Veil of Maya.  He doesn't want to be a servant...he doesn't want to play the clown...he's not interested in parties...he doesn't engage in competition through careerism and materialism...he doesn't abide by spiritual/religious dogma...he doesn't desire wife or children...he doesn't want to be sacrificed in warfare for an idea...he thinks too much...he questions too much...why isn't he more positive?...what happened to him in his childhood?

These are the questions that the careerists, the hedonists, the managerial bureaucracy, the psychologists, the priests, the generals and the merchants ask among each other whenever a "glitch" appears.

What is the most important role that the "glitch" plays? To show that the Veil is just a Veil - to display the ridiculousness of our RITUALIZED EXISTENCE back to those whom the Ritual has kept BONDED and ENSNARED.

You say that as you go on, you find words to be utterly empty or ridiculous.  Samuel Beckett shared that very same sentiment.  It has been written that when Cioran first met Beckett by chance, Beckett commented to him about how difficult it was to write anything, simply because of how useless words had become to him.

Stay strong.