To All,
I wish you all quietude and solitude in an increasingly HEGELIAN (see: Collectivist, Bureaucratic, Managerial) world, packed to the brim with overpopulated masses, industrial pollution and TECHNOTROPIC HALLUCINATIONS.
I have moved to a new room and chose not to "connect myself" to the "world wide web" of lies. When does mankind realize that social media is an even worse CONTAGION than the so-called legacy media?
I'm as tired of this populist anti-intellectualism as I am tired of managed, institutional "learning."
Where are the independent seekers who don't give a lick about "folk wisdom" or "wisdom from on-high (Church, State)"?
Books I have read in these past couple of months:
Artaud and the Gnostic Drama by Jane Goodall (I highly recommend!)
Violence and the Sacred by Rene Girard (Another recommendation!)
Persuasion and Rhetoric by Carlo Michelstaedter
Fear and Trembling by Kierkegaard (thank you Hauser and Holden - a great Irrationalist work!)
War by Louis-Ferdinand Celine
The Cheap-Eaters by Thomas Bernhard
In These Great Times by Karl Kraus
Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius by Jorge Luis Borges ("Mirrors and copulation are abominable because they increase the number of men.
The Day of the Locust by Nathanel Hawthorne
What have I been thinking about, lately? Greek Tragedy, Scapegoating and Sacrifice. I think a lot of how the Zionist Israelis are scapegoating and sacrificing Palestinians, as the National Socialists scapegoated and sacrificed the Jews in their turn.
Who's Next?
Can man escape the scapegoat/sacrifice? Can man assume the burden of the guilt of violence in himself, and not blame another? It remains unlikely.
Another thought: what was the origin of culture and civilization, anyway? Prohibitions, perhaps? And if so, what was prohibited? Violence, lust, greed, vengeance, betrayal, in a word, CONFLICT.
A departing quote for you all, from Peter Wessel Zapffe, 1983:
“When the contemplative man, a studiosus perpetuus vitae, has indulged in the Indian wisdom, or Gnosis, that the Mystery of Life is amoral, then the awe evaporates and he can in all his physical powerlessness, from the soul’s categorical imperative, seize the mystery by the neck and shake it like a mitten.”
Take care, All; I will "check-in" when I can!