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JUNK DRAWER / Megateo - from author Toby Muse
« Last post by raul on Today at 08:40:00 am »
“And that opens the floodgates for everyone to talk about their favorite rebel leader: Victor Ramon Navarro Serrano, known by everyone as Megateo. A legend, a man who could only be born out of the jungles and mountains of Colombia. Drug lord, warlord, and a bandit beloved of the people. Pablo Escobar, Che Guevara, and Robin Hood, all rolled into one.

Growing up in the mountains of Catatumbo, Navarro Serrano was bright and ambitious. Colombia’s rigid feudal hierarchy wasn’t going to work for him—he wasn’t going to work himself to death in a field. Born poor and die poor was no deal. The quickest way to be someone in the Catatumbo was to join the guerrillas. The guerrillas in his town were the Maoist Popular Liberation Army (EPL). Over the course of the 1990s, the EPL shrank from a national guerrilla movement to only ruling Catatumbo. The EPL raised money for its fight by “taxing” coca sales, turning Catatumbo in to a sanctuary for coocaine, a regulated zone where cartels could come. And in 2000, Megateo took control of the EPL and became the warlord of Catatumbo. The EPL pursued coocaine to keep fighting against the government. Slowly but surely, the group started fighting the government to pursue coocaine. Coocaine had seduced another.

“He was a revolutionary, but you know what coocaine does to you . . .” says a farmer.

Megateo turned the EPL into a uniformed coocaine trafficking militia that spouted revolutionary slogans. He never stopped wearing the military uniform befitting a guerrilla insurgency, but as coocaine took over, the narco within came out. Gold chains, expensive watches, flashy SUVs, costly escorts flown in, gold pistol-shaped medallions. Narco style.

One farmer tells how Megateo famously asked his lovers to tattoo his name next to their vaaginas. It was a golden ticket ensuring that Megateo would take care of the woman.

“He always helped people out if they needed it. If a mother couldn’t feed her children, he would pay for her shopping every month.”

What you hear in the farmers’ voices is a nostalgia for stability. When there is one warlord, everyone knows the rules and there is peace. When there are two warlords, there is war. And the farmers always die first.

“If something happened, you could speak to him. If someone stole your motorbike, or a man touched your daughter, you could send a message to him and he would take care of it,” says another.

When the state won’t do its job, a line of villains wait for their chance to step in instead.

The EPL slowly turned from a revolutionary organization to a well-run narco-militia. With a multimillion-dollar bounty on his head, Megateo invested heavily in snipers. His men couldn’t stand and face the army and the police, but they could score big in hit-and-run operations. These mountains became shooting galleries, knocking off police and soldiers.

Megateo’s story ended as it must, as Megateo knew it would. Megateo bought a mobile antiaircraft missile launcher to take down the helicopters that plagued him. Except the arms dealer was an undercover army agent and the rochet launcher was booby-trapped. Megateo was eager to try out his new toy. And the army agent politely excused himself to a safe distance. Megateo pressed “Fire.” All they ever found was one leg.

With Megateo gone, Catatumbo became an open war zone as all the other militias came in.

“We never should have killed him,” someone in the army will tell me later. “He put order in Catatumbo. Now it’s a disaster.”

From author Toby Muse
JUNK DRAWER / Some Quotes and Stories
« Last post by raul on February 07, 2025, 05:06:20 pm »
“Digital ID must be accepted by US citizens by 2028” or risk exclusión from society.”
Speech by Bill Gates at the World Economic Forum
From Noticias Rafapal-Telegram

Lil Poptart











“What happened to Kafka is the same thing that happened to me. He isolated himself too much in solitude and he knew, he should have known, that no one comes back from there.”
Alejandra Pizarnik

... since when must a spermatic automaton be my neighbor? If it is necessary for this to be my neighbor, I say that my neighbor exists and that my duty is not to resemble him in any way."
Albert Caraco

“Generally this feeling of being alone in the world appears mixed with a proud feeling of superiority: I despise men, I see them as dirty, ugly, incapable, greedy, rude, mean; my loneliness does not frighten me, it is almost Olympian.”
Ernesto Sábato
Argentinean writer

“If suicide did not exist, madness would be widespread among us, and prisons would not be sufficient to contain the desperate.”
Albert Caraco

“Many at this time. because human beings have developed powerful techniques for sleeping with their eyes open during working hours. And no, it's not that it's wrong. It's okay!
Because working is not a blessing but a way to disguise torture. Sleep in the cellar, sleep in the bathroom, sleep in front of the monitor, sleep wherever or wherever you can! We are finally dreaming that we are existing! Let's play at being human, making fun of the system.”
Dharma Shanti-FB

“For the Cathars, the world was not the handiwork of a good god. It was wholly the creation of a force of darkness, immanent in all things. Matter was corrupt, therefore irrelevant to salvation. Little if any attention had to be paid to the elaborate systems set up to bully people into obeying the man with the sharpest sword, the fattest wallet, or the biggest stick of incense. Worldly authority was a fraud, and worldly authority based on some divine sanction, such as the Church claimed, was outright hypocrisy.

The god deserving of Cathar worship was a god of light, who ruled the invisible, the ethereal, the spiritual domain; this god, unconcerned with the material, simply didn’t care if you got into bed before getting married, had a Jew or Muslim for a friend, treated men and women as equals, or did anything else contrary to the teachings of the medieval Church. It was up to the individual (man or woman) to decide whether he or she was willing to renounce the material for a life of self-denial. If not, one would keep returning to this world—that is, be reincarnated—until ready to embrace a life sufficiently spotless to allow accession, at death, to the same blissful state one had experienced as an angel prior to having been tempted out of heaven at the beginning of time. To be saved, then, meant becoming a saint. To be damned was to live, again and again, on this corrupt Earth. Hell was here, not in some horrific afterlife dreamed up by Rome to scare people out of their wits.

To believe in what is called the Two Principles of creation (Evil in the visible, Good in the invisible) is to be a dualist, an adherent to a notion that has been shared by other creeds in the long course of humanity’s grappling with the unknowable. Christian Cathar dualism, however, posited a meeting place between Good and Evil: within the breast of every human being. There, our wavering divine spark, the remnant of our earlier, angelic state, waited patiently to be freed from the cycle of reincarnations.”
From author Stephen O´Shea

“Love is only a dirty trick played on us to achieve continuation of the species.”
W. Somerset Maugham

“Hard to believe
A recent survey indicates that the smartphone is number one hand held device. The ppenis has slipped to second place.”
Lynette Bowen-FB

“Football, beer, and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult.”
George Orwell, 1984

Former Sumter resident charged with murder in death of 14-year-old son, previously charged with assault

Former Sumter resident charged with murder in death of 14-year-old son, previously charged with assault
By WIS News 10 Staff
Published: Feb. 6, 2025 at 9:27 PM GMT-3|Updated: 13 hours ago
COLUMBIA, S.C. (WIS) - A woman charged with murder in King County, Washington in the death of her 14-year-old son was previously charged with assault and battery in Sumter in 2018.

According to court documents from King County, Denaya Young was upset at her son for not doing his chores and beat him for approximately three hours on Jan. 30, 2025.

The medical examiner listed the cause of death as blunt force trauma and the teen had 1,172 injuries to his body, the court documents said.

Young’s bond was set at $3,000,000.

In 2018, Young and her boyfriend were both arrested and charged with assault and battery after the pair were involved in an assault on a doctor at Palmetto Health Tuomey Hospital.

Young threw a cup of ice water at the doctor after he told the couple her test results came back normal and her boyfriend pushed the doctor, according to an incident report from the Sumter Police Department (SPD).

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JUNK DRAWER / The Agony of Being
« Last post by raul on February 06, 2025, 08:32:03 am »
The Agony of Being
By Arik Eindrok – Mexican writer

Since existing in this execrable world, being part of this nauseating race and a prisoner of this mundane body, was only an absurd and irremediable agony, then what other damned option did I have other than to commit suicide? Going crazy, yes… That was also a wonderful opportunity to discover new paradigms forbidden to monkeys! And, certainly, I didn't even know what the hell was happening to my head anymore; what kind of infernal self-absorption seemed to pierce my soul with an unquantifiable melancholy? Was I already dead or did I still breathe the impure air of this damned city? Did I still want to love? Above all, would I love again in such a human way? The chaos inside me had no limits and the intensity of emotions made my senseless sanity shake. But perhaps that was essential, perhaps I had to be crazy. And then what the world believed and accepted as healthy was nothing but that aberration in which they felt comfortable; Anything that did not fit into their predefined and imposed conceptions, they tended to call it schizophrenia or evil... That was how hypocritical society was, those were the skyscrapers of falsehood that had been sadly reached. Because anyone who had the power to commit the most vile and shameful acts, did so without hesitation. And those who judged their acts and condemned them, did so because, deep down, they themselves longed to carry them out, but were too tortured by not having the resources to do so.

There are infinite reasons for ceasing to exist, but the being is so stupid and foolish that it will always find, in its infinite delusions, some to justify its disgusting existence. The fact that two beings carry out the imprudent sexual act and reproduce with it, proves that we have not learned anything until now and that we are still atrocious animals dominated by their dark and nefarious impulses. What does humanity know so far? Yes, great advances in science and technology; although only for those who can pay for it. But what about things concerning the spirit, the artistic, the mystical? Perhaps I contradict myself all the time, but how can I not do so if I am still human? And if existence itself, seen from a human perspective, seemed to be a contradiction in every way. I wanted to share something, something that could make the masses reflect; that would take them out of their habitual indoctrination and make them question things… I did not claim to be right or wrong, to be right or wrong; There is only doubt, only thinking and feeling for oneself. Because I firmly believe that there is no worse slave than the one who knows he is one and yet agrees to continue being one.

I could no longer bear to see, hear or be with people, because their human souls seemed more and more absurd and fetid to me. If things continued like this, then the best thing would be to go to a place where no other being could ever bother me. And perhaps for that it would be essential to drown myself in the cathartic spring of death, to dissolve my own pestilent humanity in a hell of unthinkable madness to purify my conscience. I no longer believed in anything, in anything in this material and execrable world. Perhaps there existed something like a god or several of them, entities outside our reality to which we were almost always indifferent. Although, sometimes, they seemed to manifest their will to a few individuals through certain very particular and subjective messages. Were these perhaps only the ravings of my disturbed mind, of my incipient schizophrenia? Or was there something hidden in the interweaving of this three-dimensional time-space that seemed to peek out from time to time and show us that yes, this was just a dream from which we might soon wake up?

The window was stained with her still warm blood and my soul reveled in her body, still in the same state. Her screams of agony and her last cries before sleeping forever had a profound impact on me, for it was the starting point for my subsequent mission. The transformation was now complete and there was only one thing left to do: bury my former self with her (with the woman I once loved), and accept my true homicidal nature. Was I perhaps completely insane? Had the devil possessed me? Had I inclined to do evil of my own free will? What was real and what was not? What was true and what was false? How to reconcile all the chaos that lived within me with the possible love that I could have once experienced? So many ideologies clashing, so much friction resulting from that which should never have been. But the world is already and so is humanity! We can no longer reject its existence, however ridiculous and miserable it may be. That is to say, denial would only end up destroying ourselves; for turning our laments of bitterness into a chronicle of bestial suffering coming from the most hollowed-out corners of our mysterious fall into the human hell from which escape seems more than unlikely.

Since when should we accept that existence is something desirable? Why should we just live and pretend that everything has a meaning when we clearly have no certainty of it? Why accept our nature if it is so mundane and miserable? Why not kill ourselves if everything in this vomit-inducing existence is linked to suffering and boredom? And if all the beings who live here can only produce endless nausea and hellish boredom in me. Yes, I hate all those monkeys hungry for pleasure, money and material goods. I also hate myself, because deep down there may still be something of that in me and it prevents me from evolving. What to do then? Where to go? Who to talk to? Will my will end up being undermined and subjected, like everyone else's, to this graveyard of eternal emptiness? What we hate most, undoubtedly, is what we have not yet been able to conquer in ourselves. All those desires, volitions, thoughts, feelings and shadows that roar in our sad interior with an overwhelming force; that eat away at our soul in the coldest and most depressing dawns, there where only loneliness and death seem to want to embrace us a little.

How tiring and boring it is to pretend to be interested in others when I am no longer interested in myself! My own life bores and disgusts me too much, how can I expect to even try to bear the life of others? Why or for what purpose does humanity exist? This is a major question that up to now does not seem to concern the apes much. To live as stupidly and aberrantly as possible seems to be the great motto of the present times. To forget everything that has to do with the spirit, the soul, the mind, the intellect, reason or reflection; just let yourself be carried along, as if dragged by an abject carousel, by the filth, decadence and ignorance that have taken over the entire world and that pseudo-reality has promoted everywhere through its infinite ramifications. It is an infernal circle of rottenness and misery, this world of ours to which we feel illogically attached and in which we supposedly feel happy. For I vomit all this: this simulated happiness, this irrelevant world, this indoctrinated humanity and these ominous times. I am the first to throw myself into the fire, to ask to be crucified in the most painful way possible like that one. And even if this were not enough, then let divine punishment determine what will be the apocalypse of my afflicted soul and my anguished heart. But to continue like this, to exist in this absurd and nefarious way, is what I can no longer tolerate.
Why Bother? / Re: A Question for Herr Hauser and Senor Raul
« Last post by raul on February 06, 2025, 06:59:53 am »

Thank you for your message. Here the weather is unbearably hot. Between 45 and 50 degrees Celsius.

I am not a people´s person either I deal with few people. Nobody can blame you for saying the wrong things.  Do the people who try to harm you say the right things to you? I think not.
What are you doing on this rock, you ask? You are a suffering being. You are a sensitive person and this world is not for people like you.  This world has been designed to crush compassionate people.
Euthanasia is not legal in this country and any form of assisted suicide or euthanasia is punishable under Paraguayan law.
The Paraguayan legal system prioritizes the protection of life and euthanasia is viewed as going against the human dignity. In the constitution we have Article 4: The right of life is inherent to the human person. Its protection is guaranteed and also  Article 106: The one who kills others who is terminally ill or wounded, obeying serious and  continuous pleads from the victim, will be punished by deprivation of liberty by a maximum time of 3 years.

The first time I thought about euthanasia was in 2018 when my father was terribly suffering from a brain tumor. My sister and I could only have palliative care for him until he passed away.

I would be against taking up the option for self - destruction  Why, would you ask? Because I would have to set the example by self-exiting myself.  Every single morning I don´t want to wake up anymore and yet here I am. Am I coward? Yes, totally I am a coward.

Here the media outlets posts murder stories with a lot of horrible details and the suicide cases are hardly mentioned. This really shows our hypocrisy. Self-destruction will always be viewed as a disgrace because people fear its multiplying effect.

Stay vigilant.
Why Bother? / Vincent (To Mr Silenus)
« Last post by Holden on February 05, 2025, 01:39:07 pm »

Mr Silenus,

Thank you for your message. My apologies for the late response. Thank you for the video. I have a lot in common with Vincent. His melancholia ,for one. I must say that I don’t claim to be talented in anyway like him though. I just claim that I feel the pain as strongly.

I think I might finally be starting to study Anarchism in earnest.My work colleagues think I am too serious. Not jovial enough. They think I am not neat enough. Not submissive enough. Not subservient enough. Is physical needs painful enough to keep me around as a corporate slave ?

I don’t know for sure yet. I suppose I would find out eventually.What Tiberius was doing ,well, was hellish. He had an island. A bad place. I don’t know. The world itself is quite a bad place,no? This world is not for me. Too weak. Too sensitive. I really hope you are doing better than I am. 

If you don’t mind me asking-what do you make of all the drones/UFOs in New Jersey that have been in the news of late.

I won’t say it is the aliens. But it sure as heck is something. Probably malevolent.

Take care.
Why Bother? / Dignified End (To Don Raul)
« Last post by Holden on February 05, 2025, 01:23:18 pm »

Don Raul,

Once again I apologise for the late response. Thank you for your message. I have been experiencing rough days. Winter is very cruel this year.The cold seeps into my body,makes me suffer. What am I doing on this rock? I have no idea. Just breathing and hiding from the predators,I guess. I am not a ‘People’s Person’. I always end up saying the ‘wrong things’.

I consider your advice very highly so I’d like to ask you something. Nothing personal,mind you.Just a purely hypothetical question. Suppose there is a person who suffers a great deal in life. Everyday. He has no relatives left and keeps no pets. For a change, he gets lucky and gets the green light from an euthanasia organisation. The fees is affordable for him. He would be able to put an end to his miserable life -should he take up the option?

In such a situation, if should he take up the option or there might be certain metaphysical complications with it? Just a thought experiment,mind you. You don’t need to respond if it makes your uncomfortable.

 I wonder what the ‘Soma’ mentioned in the Vedas was. My best guess is it was some kind of psychoactive drug which was used to see ‘the gods’.

Take care.
JUNK DRAWER / Pessimistic Manifesto by Mexican writer Arik Eindrok
« Last post by raul on February 05, 2025, 08:42:47 am »
Pessimistic Manifesto

September 23, 2023 by Arik Eindrok

Maybe it's best to accept that we'll never know who we really are or why we're here. Maybe it's even best that tonight when we go to sleep we close our eyes and never open them again.


What the hell is the point of having reasons to live in a life that has no reason to be lived?


How pathetic is the being and how ridiculous is the way it clings to an existence that couldn't be more indifferent to it!


Nothing is more illogical than the being and its sick need to live. Luckily, death is always there to cure it no matter how sick it is.


“Give me a reason to keep living…” she told me. And then I killed her, since there was none.
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