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General Category => Why Bother? => Topic started by: Holden on June 19, 2017, 06:02:26 pm

Title: A Great Sadness
Post by: Holden on June 19, 2017, 06:02:26 pm
From Chekov's Seagull:
Medvienko: Why do you always wear black? Masha: I am in mourning for my life. I am unhappy.”

I read Chekov very early when I was about 17.
I wanted to be no longer then as I do now but  the strange thing is that the organic life that I am a manifestation of,this organic being simply refuses to perish.

All the theory in the world cannot cure my heartache.One cannot argue with pain .Pain is a ruthless dictator.It does not take no for an answer.
I have often felt lost in this world-like I don't know what to do,how to be or even what to thing.
An ocean of sadness surging within me.Chekov and Gorky wrote stories set in the late 19th century.More than a hundred years ago.Yet the pain which they wrote about remains the same.The charcters often look to the future with hope &yet here we are..more than a hundred years later and I am still in mourning like Masha.

I am not sure if things can ever be right.I mean it is strange that I have had so much pain that now it has become a matter of course.
Is this what Schopenhauer meant by the when he says "will begins turning away.."