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Some Quotes
« on: September 15, 2022, 06:59:30 pm »
“What a terrible era in which idiots govern the blind.”
William Shakespeare

“Man, biologically considered, and whatever else he may be into the bargain, is the most formidable of all beasts of prey, and, indeed the only one who preys systematically on his own kind.”
William James

“One such note, written by twenty-three-year-old Abramo Segre (Italian Jew sent to Auschwitz) to Lucia, his fiancée, emerged from a train passing through Brescia on December 7, 1943. In the train with Abramo were his mother and sister.

Dear Lucia,

I entrust my letter to the goodness of someone who will want to mail it. This is the second day that I find myself closed in a cattle car with my family and with two hundred other people on our way to the concentration camp. I face the terrible prospect of eight days of travel to reach Cracow in Poland.

I have the feeling unfortunately that, for me and my family, this voyage is one without return, because if we don’t succumb to the hunger and the exhaustion to which we will be exposed we will not be able to resist the terrible cold, being scarcely dressed and shoed as we are. Our last hope is in God who, unfortunately, up to now has not helped us, but to whom nonetheless we continue to pray.

The sufferings of prison were a paradise compared to what we are facing…. Here we don’t even have a name, but only a number, like animals.

The train goes not very fast but inexorably toward the border. I must now end this brief letter that has little chance of reaching you.

The letter never did reach Lucia. Abramo, his mother."

Taken from author David I.Kertzen

“From 1976 to 1983, Washington supported a devastating military dictatorship in Argentina that ran all branches of government, outlawed elections, and encouraged school and business leaders to provide information on subversive people. The administration took control of the police, banned political and union organizations, and tried to eliminate all oppositional elements in the country through harassment, torture, and murder.

Journalists, students, and union members faced a particularly large amount of bloody repression, thus ridding the nation of a whole generation of social movement leaders. As was the case in other Latin American countries, the threat of communism and armed guerrilla movements was used as an excuse for Argentina's dictatorial crackdowns. Hundreds of torture camps and prisons were created.

Many of the dead were put into mass graves or thrown out of places into the ocean. Five hundred babies of the murdered were given to torturers' families and the assets of the dead totaling in the tens of millions of dollars, were all divided up among the perpetrators of the nightmare. Thirty thousand people were killed in Argentina's repression.”
― Benjamin Dangl

“Liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto is taking place. Without any distinction all Jews, irrespective of age or sex, are being removed from the Ghetto in groups and shot. Their corpses are utilized for making fats and their bones for the manufacture of fertilizer….
Jews deported from Germany, Belgium, Holland, France, and Slovakia are sent to be butchered…. Inasmuch as butcherings of this kind would attract great attention in the west, they must first of all deport them to the East, where less opportunity is afforded to outsiders of knowing what is going on. During the last few weeks a large part of the Jewish population deported to Lithuania and Lublin has already been executed…. Arrangements are made for new deportations as soon as space is made by executions. Caravans of such deportees being transported in cattle cars are often seen.”
From Myron Taylor (President Rooselvelt envoy)´s memo to the Vatican in 1942.

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