Author Topic: Plea of an Inca before God  (Read 37 times)

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Plea of an Inca before God
« on: February 01, 2023, 01:16:23 pm »

Tremendous reflection.

Did you not know that this continent existed? why doesn't the Bible mention it or was your omnipotent hand only in charge of creating Europe and part of the Orient?

That you are a great creator I doubt it because it was your inspiration that created the white man who first enslaved us, then robbed and rraped us and finally annihilated us.

We always believed that the worst thing that the Spaniards had brought in the caravels was gunpowder and disease, but we were wrong... it was you!

Why didn't you stay there, why didn't the sharks devour you in the ocean?

Tell me which of the commandments were we transgressing? Not to steal? Not to kill? Not to lie?

I know what it should be, not to raise images of false idols, but if that was the reason why they crushed us in your name, let me tell you that we always worshiped things that you supposedly created like the Sun, the Moon, the Sea.
The only one made of stone is you. Only someone of stone can stand by and watch while millions are tortured and ravaged.

Besides, our gods never asked us for monetary offerings or a tithe of our salary.
How can it be that a God who says he is love can endorse the existence of money, the main reason for the blood that runs on earth?

Now I understand why you allowed us to be exterminated in your name. It bothered you that beings of a color that you did not create exist in a continent that you did not create and that they have developed a civilization so beautiful, so just, so organized and so superior to that of the white and blond man that you made in your own likeness.

Is Jesus your way of asking us for forgiveness, King of kings?

In our people since your doctrine came to our lands there are millions who died of hunger, humiliated by drowning in a mine, crushed totally and in every way.

Your Jesus suffered the whip for a few hours, we have been suffering it for more than five centuries. With the difference that you have your Jesus sitting on the right side of your throne (that surely you have remodeled with the gold they stole from us), and instead you sent the Inca to hell, because crucified and all, he spat in your face.”
From Annunakis y reptilianos entre  nosotros-FB

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