Author Topic: A Tangled Ball of Thread (To Herr Kaspar and Senor Raul)  (Read 362 times)

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  • { ∅, { ∅ } }
  • Posts: 5266
  • Hentrichian Philosophical Pessimist
A Tangled Ball of Thread (To Herr Kaspar and Senor Raul)
« on: February 05, 2019, 10:07:59 pm »
To Herr Kaspar  and Senor Raul,

(Take from   Schopenhauer's  Encounter with Indian Thought    by Stephen Cross)

When all desires  that cling   to the  heart are cast   away,
then a mortal becomes  immortal.
-Katha  Upanisad

Dependent Origination:"Because that exists,this too exists" .It is through not understanding this law  ,that this world resembles a tangled ball of thread.

Entities exist not intrinsically but conventionally .They are dependently arisen and exist  in the  conditioned consciousness of living  beings as a part of the net of mutually supportive relationships that appears as life and the world.It follows from this that there must  be two "truths",the truth of conventional existence and the truth of intrinsic being.

As Candrakirti explains:What  is relative to certain   conditions does not truly exist,like the heat of water,like "this side"  and "other side"  or like the long and the short.

Although Nagarjuna often likens  the  world  to dream   and mirage,we should not be misled,for dreams  and mirages do exist-not as what they appear to be- but as dreams, as mirages..

In a comparable way,the events and objects of everyday  life are not what they appear to be(that is ,substantial and possessed of inherent existence),but they do exist as empty,dependently arisen,nominally real phenomena.

Nagarjuna writes"This teaching ,wrongly grasped,destroys the unwise man ,he drowns in the quagmire of the view that all things are unreal.

(To be continued)
La Tristesse Durera Toujours                                  (The Sadness Lasts Forever ...)
-van Gogh.

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  • { ∅, { ∅ } }
  • Posts: 3432

Thank you for your post. Most interesting explanation.

Stay safe.

P.S. This is not real. It is just for fun. The title is Monkey with AK-47-


  • { ∅, { ∅ } }
  • Posts: 3432

Thank you again for your explanation. But you see, Holden, these issues must be discussed with Hentrich or Silenus but not with me. These issues are too deep for me. I admit my ignorance. I only know that life is a trap, that life is a punishment and it is better not to have been born and it is better not to have been born in this prison farm called Earth. I can only add the little I understand.

Let me share something I read about the Bushong creation myth that said that the world was only darkness and emptiness. Then a god,  Bumba, began to have horrible stomach pains. Finally he began to toss chunks. First he vomited up the sun, the moon, earth, plants and animals, and then, just as he was reaching bilious stages, humanity.

And the  digital simulation theory proposed by a man called Elon Musk where he states that we exist within a computer. We’re a set of algorithmic formulations. This theory states that it doesn’t matter if we are destroying the eco-system, because it doesn’t exist. But the thing is that anyone could decide to reboot the computer at any time.

Take care.


  • { ∅, { ∅ } }
  • Posts: 5266
  • Hentrichian Philosophical Pessimist
Senor  Raul,

I think you are quite capable of understanding everything  posted here.However, I concede that there are  times when  I tend  to make things very abstract.You News  from Paraguay is of greater significance than most of the philosophy books  being  taught in colleges,  for it goes straight  to the  heart of the  matter.What you wrote reminded  me of Isaiah Berlin.Berlin says:

When somebody said to Luther that men are entitled to happiness or that the goal of life was happiness,he said:Happiness? No!Leiden! Leiden!Kreuz! Kreuz!(Suffering! Suffering!the  Cross! the Cross!)
This is at the heart of one of the deepest beliefs,vision of reality.
That fact that  exceedingly large number of very shallow  people  have distorted this vision and based their lives on a superficial version of this vision is  a pity  but the  fate of all great ideas.

Keep well  and please continue to foster your  thread.
La Tristesse Durera Toujours                                  (The Sadness Lasts Forever ...)
-van Gogh.


  • { ∅, { ∅ } }
  • Posts: 3432

Thank you for your response. Most appreciated.

Most will never ask if there is a soul or there is consciousness and how it functions. Is there life after death? Is there a soul before birth? What is the role of humans in this cosmos? Is there any supreme mind or god? What is god anyway? Is there life beyond this planet? If there are sentient beings, how do those beings see us? If they are technologically superior they might see us ants or unclean beings. They might think it is wise not to be in contact with homo sapiens.

No, deep questions will never come out of their shallow brains.This brutal system wants us to behave like businesspeople whose only concern is the present. These men and women are blinded by their worship of money.
Yes, their brains are not round. They  are square. Why having a brain that has 100,000 millions of neurons when we use it most of the time for nonsense?

There are times I would like to be a ten-year old child in this 51-year old human body of mine. That way I can endure this world much easier.

We are at the mercy of demonic clowns aka rulers, princes, emperors, czars, kings, queens, priests, prime ministers, generals, bankers, financiers and CEOS. We are pawns in this hellish game. Food for these powers in the shadow.

Money is the god of this world. If you break the law of this god, you pay the consequences and you are probably committing a crime. With money comes the celebration of death and slavery. Here we have streets, avenues, schools, soccer clubs and institutions named after Christopher Columbus. This guy, after arriving in the so-called New World, tortured the natives, force them to find gold, cut off their hands, have dogs attack them, and hang them in the town square while burning. Columbus started the slave trade in this part of the world. The capital of the USA is Washington DC (DC is the District of Columbia). A country, Colombia, is named after him. He even has a holiday.

In my view, the Ancient Roman elites were very practical and wise. They gave the people bread and circuses. It has not changed much. Their thinking was that if the common people were fed and given the distraction of these games, they wouldn’t realize how ssshhiiity their lives were and for that reason they wouldn’t react against the established power. As an example nowadays many pay much money to play these golf players hitting the balls into the holes, what a joke!

Take care.