Someone recently told me that it is not a good idea to explore one's inner life in writing because such documents might be used against me. I realized that I had basically stopped keeping track of day-to-day transformations sometime over the summer. Even prior to this, the notes had become all-too-technical and "scholarly" ---
I may not even know my own heart. I have to find out how I really feel. This is not possible to do through communicating with others. Other people can't tell me what I think and feel. Since we human beings lie to ourselves, exploring our thoughts through writing might reveal to us that we do not think or feel the way we thought we did.
What is the significance of verbal articulation? What is the difference between recording oneself babbling and the act of writing down the bones?
Someone potentially reading a journal is one of the reasons many people don't keep them, and it is certainly a dangerous aspect of the craft. It is not, however, the most dangerous aspect. The most dangerous aspect is telling yourself something you didn't want to know. We, as human beings, lie to ourselves all the time. It's very strange and counter productive. We'll tell ourselves we like job when we don't. We'll tell ourselves we're in love with someone when we're not. We'll tell ourselves we aren't attracted to a person when we are. So to me a journal is that place to be unabashedly honest with yourself, and it's dangerous because you won't always like what you see. You'll look at your thoughts and say, "I don't actually think that do I?" You do and it's fine. Admittance is the first step in anything.
The Dangers of Keeping a Journal.