Thank you for your messages. This is my time to apologize for my late reply. My old computer broke down.
Once you were brought into this mad world the sadness is forever. There is no cure except sleep on a temporary basis or death. Certainly you are not a normal person because you think too much. Thinking critically is a big disadvantage in this world. It brings problems to you. The less you think the longer you will be able stay in this slaughterhouse called Earth. You are a rebel, you are the one refusing to stay asleep. No, you know you were born in chains. You see the cracks in this diabolical system.
Years ago I read that Earth is small and isolated planet which is used as a zoo for those extraterrestrial beings deemed criminals or misfits. Are we criminal aliens? Maybe this explains the bitter situation of humanity in this human farm. Evil is in everybody, evil is in each of one of us.
We are controlled, as we often said, by unseen hands. We move like puppets and we are not aware of the forces that shape our reality. Everything has been manipulated. Including myself, we enjoy our stay in this cage, this Earth. Millions and millions work, consume, obey, take the jab since 2020. Every path has been made to keep us in line. Yes, we toe the line and we are happy about it.
No ism is the solution to us, wretched human creatures, socialism, communism, fascism,Nazism, or this strange concoction called wokeism are chains. On the issue of distraction I remember what the Roman sage, Juvenal wrote: “Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt.” We are kept in the dark to never ask the real questions.
I learned a new word in English, eremition, which is the act of gradually fading from the lives of others, not out of malice but a desire for solitude or renewal.
Stay vigilant.