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  • Hentrichian Philosophical Pessimist
Crushed under the Wheel of Samsara (To Don Raul)
« Reply #2400 on: January 15, 2025, 08:38:46 pm »

Don Raul,

I once again apologise for the late response.  I must say that with every post your prose is getting more hard-hitting than ever. Supposedly, English is your second language, even so, it is extremely precise when it comes to the description of our plight. I can only imagine how great your Spanish must be.

I have been thinking about the flying saucers which people claim to be seeing in New Jersey. Maybe it is not so much a physical entity as projection of our ‘soul’ which yearns for something out of the ordinary ,from time to time.

Also, some people claim to have seen Loch Ness Monster in Scotland. The Irish have similar legends and in the ancient China and also all over Europe in the middle ages, the belief about the Dragon was widespread. Again, maybe it is not so much a biological being as a representative of the ‘evil’ that we witness and experience ourselves every single day.

As far as I am concerned, you are right, this year would probably be worse than the last. I hope it turns out of the last,for me. 

Please take care and please keep writing. It functions as the light-house for many lost boats like mine.
La Tristesse Durera Toujours                                  (The Sadness Lasts Forever ...)
-van Gogh.


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  • Hentrichian Philosophical Pessimist
The Sadness (To Don Raul)
« Reply #2401 on: January 19, 2025, 01:29:41 pm »

Don Raul,

The great sadness that shrouds me keeps deepening. How can one can rid of it? I don’t think I can without getting rid of myself.There is a lot of people who want one to be believe that alcohol or whatever can get rid of it. I don’t think so. What if I perform a small experiment and embrace my sadness? Of course I know I am not ‘normal’. I don’t talk to people.

They drug people with sports. Soccer,cricket,what have you. All drugs. Hollywood,Bollywood. They are all garbage. What if the gun laws here were like in the US? Would I still be around?
Hauntology. The study of the fact that the past is never the past. It haunts our present. So, does the future. It haunts.

I thought for a while maybe ‘Socialism’ was the solution. What a bloody fool! DMT is all the rage now. No and again no. There is no solution. No salvation. I sleep among the ghosts. I am told the unit I stay at was occupied by a man who wanted to be an actor. He did not make it. He had written some song lyrics on the back of the bedroom door. I cannot read it. It is too faded.
Too ghostly.

Take care.
La Tristesse Durera Toujours                                  (The Sadness Lasts Forever ...)
-van Gogh.


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Re: A Question for Herr Hauser and Senor Raul
« Reply #2402 on: January 25, 2025, 05:30:27 pm »

Thank you for your messages. This is my time to apologize for my late reply. My old computer broke down.
Once you were brought into this mad world the sadness is forever. There is no cure except sleep on a temporary basis or death. Certainly you are not a normal person because you think too much. Thinking critically is a big disadvantage in this world. It brings problems to you. The less you think the longer you will be able stay in this slaughterhouse called Earth.  You are a rebel, you are the one refusing to stay asleep. No, you know you were born in chains. You see the cracks in this diabolical system.

Years ago I read that Earth is small and isolated planet which is used as a zoo for those extraterrestrial beings deemed criminals or misfits. Are we criminal aliens? Maybe this explains the bitter situation of humanity in this human farm. Evil is in everybody, evil is in each of one of us.

We are controlled, as we often said, by unseen hands. We move like puppets and we are not aware of the forces that shape our reality. Everything has been manipulated. Including myself, we enjoy our stay in this cage, this Earth. Millions and millions work, consume, obey, take the jab since 2020. Every path has been made to keep us in line. Yes, we toe the line and we are happy about it.
No ism is the solution to us, wretched human creatures, socialism, communism, fascism,Nazism, or this strange concoction called wokeism are chains. On the issue of distraction I remember what the Roman sage, Juvenal wrote: “Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt.” We are kept in the dark to never ask the real questions.

I learned a new word in English, eremition, which is the act of gradually fading from the lives of others, not out of malice but a desire for solitude or renewal.
Stay vigilant.


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  • Hentrichian Philosophical Pessimist
Crazy (To Don Raul)
« Reply #2403 on: January 28, 2025, 12:37:55 pm »

Don Raul,

I am very sorry for the late response. The last week was very rough. Very rough. I don’t even know how I could managed to get throw it. But here I am. The winter really gets to  me. It chills my bones. I don’t know what exactly I am doing here. I mean, this world is a mess, so am I. Why would one bring a kid into the world. Probably for egoistical reasons.

I keep moving from one disaster to the next. Disaster after disaster. I was listening to the BBC. The Russians are apparently bombing a region which has got a maternity hospital in it. The doctors have taken the expectant mothers to the basement. Am I supposed to feel sorry for them?
Well, I do. I kind of do feel sorry for them. But you cannot expect the BBC to ask the more significant question. Why the kids?

From Homer onward,all one gets to read about is death. Killings. Killing fields. I thought they would exhibit enough courtesy to offer me a poison shot. Apparently not. My life has been very sad , you know. I don’t think I would like to carry on. But it is not so easy. Not easy.

Please take care.
La Tristesse Durera Toujours                                  (The Sadness Lasts Forever ...)
-van Gogh.


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Re: A Question for Herr Hauser and Senor Raul
« Reply #2404 on: January 29, 2025, 07:53:47 am »

Thank you for your message. I hope to write in the board as long as I can. Here the heat is unbearable.

I suppose the world has always been a mess. We have been programmed to copulate and reproduce. In different circumstances I could have fathered a child. I am relieved I am not a parent.  The social pressure has a lot to do with bringing children into this world. The bloodline must be preserved at all costs. You are different. You do not care about preserving your bloodline. You do not care what society thinks. Therefore you are a pariah wherever you go. Much anxiety, sorrow and anguish await you.  The only courtesy you will get from society is pressure to conform to mad norms and regulations. Welcome to the circus of endless pain with its absurd wars, hunger, politics and pointless entertainment and corrupted by power, sex and money.

You already know this. We are pestilent creatures, indoctrinated to follow patterns all our lives. Yes, we, pathetic puppets, not wanting to know the nightmare we have been thrown into.

Yes, Earth has been a killing field for millennia. That is the reason we remember conquerors such as Alexander The Great, Gengis Khan, Napoleon Bonaparte and many others who have shed blood in this prison farm. Maybe you watched a part of a documentary about Idi Amin, the Ugandan butcher from 1971 to 1979. This creature caused immense pain by causing the death of 300,000 people. But now the Grim Reaper has come with a different face. His face is hidden behind a face mask and holding a syringe since 2020.

I do not trust the mainstream media, e.g., BBC because truth is not in their interest. War in itself is a crime.  Well, life is a crime.

Stay safe.


  • Rebel Monk of Mental Insurrection
  • Posts: 459
Crows (to Holden)
« Reply #2405 on: February 01, 2025, 11:14:15 am »
  You may enjoy this dream sequence on Vincent van Gogh (played by Martin Scorcese) taken from the film Dreams by Akira Kurosawa.

As Artaud succinctly pointed out, van Gogh had a "butcher's face," that is, a butcher of men and their ideas.

Take care.


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  • Hentrichian Philosophical Pessimist
Dignified End (To Don Raul)
« Reply #2406 on: February 05, 2025, 01:23:18 pm »

Don Raul,

Once again I apologise for the late response. Thank you for your message. I have been experiencing rough days. Winter is very cruel this year.The cold seeps into my body,makes me suffer. What am I doing on this rock? I have no idea. Just breathing and hiding from the predators,I guess. I am not a ‘People’s Person’. I always end up saying the ‘wrong things’.

I consider your advice very highly so I’d like to ask you something. Nothing personal,mind you.Just a purely hypothetical question. Suppose there is a person who suffers a great deal in life. Everyday. He has no relatives left and keeps no pets. For a change, he gets lucky and gets the green light from an euthanasia organisation. The fees is affordable for him. He would be able to put an end to his miserable life -should he take up the option?

In such a situation, if should he take up the option or there might be certain metaphysical complications with it? Just a thought experiment,mind you. You don’t need to respond if it makes your uncomfortable.

 I wonder what the ‘Soma’ mentioned in the Vedas was. My best guess is it was some kind of psychoactive drug which was used to see ‘the gods’.

Take care.
La Tristesse Durera Toujours                                  (The Sadness Lasts Forever ...)
-van Gogh.


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  • Posts: 5266
  • Hentrichian Philosophical Pessimist
Vincent (To Mr Silenus)
« Reply #2407 on: February 05, 2025, 01:39:07 pm »

Mr Silenus,

Thank you for your message. My apologies for the late response. Thank you for the video. I have a lot in common with Vincent. His melancholia ,for one. I must say that I don’t claim to be talented in anyway like him though. I just claim that I feel the pain as strongly.

I think I might finally be starting to study Anarchism in earnest.My work colleagues think I am too serious. Not jovial enough. They think I am not neat enough. Not submissive enough. Not subservient enough. Is physical needs painful enough to keep me around as a corporate slave ?

I don’t know for sure yet. I suppose I would find out eventually.What Tiberius was doing ,well, was hellish. He had an island. A bad place. I don’t know. The world itself is quite a bad place,no? This world is not for me. Too weak. Too sensitive. I really hope you are doing better than I am. 

If you don’t mind me asking-what do you make of all the drones/UFOs in New Jersey that have been in the news of late.

I won’t say it is the aliens. But it sure as heck is something. Probably malevolent.

Take care.
La Tristesse Durera Toujours                                  (The Sadness Lasts Forever ...)
-van Gogh.


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Re: A Question for Herr Hauser and Senor Raul
« Reply #2408 on: February 06, 2025, 06:59:53 am »

Thank you for your message. Here the weather is unbearably hot. Between 45 and 50 degrees Celsius.

I am not a people´s person either I deal with few people. Nobody can blame you for saying the wrong things.  Do the people who try to harm you say the right things to you? I think not.
What are you doing on this rock, you ask? You are a suffering being. You are a sensitive person and this world is not for people like you.  This world has been designed to crush compassionate people.
Euthanasia is not legal in this country and any form of assisted suicide or euthanasia is punishable under Paraguayan law.
The Paraguayan legal system prioritizes the protection of life and euthanasia is viewed as going against the human dignity. In the constitution we have Article 4: The right of life is inherent to the human person. Its protection is guaranteed and also  Article 106: The one who kills others who is terminally ill or wounded, obeying serious and  continuous pleads from the victim, will be punished by deprivation of liberty by a maximum time of 3 years.

The first time I thought about euthanasia was in 2018 when my father was terribly suffering from a brain tumor. My sister and I could only have palliative care for him until he passed away.

I would be against taking up the option for self - destruction  Why, would you ask? Because I would have to set the example by self-exiting myself.  Every single morning I don´t want to wake up anymore and yet here I am. Am I coward? Yes, totally I am a coward.

Here the media outlets posts murder stories with a lot of horrible details and the suicide cases are hardly mentioned. This really shows our hypocrisy. Self-destruction will always be viewed as a disgrace because people fear its multiplying effect.

Stay vigilant.