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A French shepherd and his flock
« Reply #795 on: July 22, 2021, 09:55:22 am »

Thank you for your comments and the Save Our Seminarians (SOS) video clip.

As I told you once every post I write could be the last one.

I hope the actor, your neighbor, has stopped bothering you.

Sometimes I see dead cats in the streets. I admit I am not a fan of animals. I can barely endure human beings. But one thing I may have in common with dead cats in the streets is that one of these days my corpse might be found in a deserted street.

Yes, this is an insane world. The Gnostics believed that all states of reality were ruled by “the Archons—the immortal vassals of the Demiurge or Creator God—and comprised a cosmic labyrinth erected to corral the soul attempting to reach the Pleroma (or Fullness of the real Divinity).”

An evil deity rules in this world but most do not or will not understand. It goes agains their beliefs or their brainwashing.
I suppose those who go to the seminaries think they will study important things, as you say, and serve “God”. They too have been brainwashed from the moment their parents raised them in a religious environment. We are part of a world that has false wisdom.

It could have happened to me if my parents baptized me in the Catholic faith and decided to go to the seminary.
Do you happen to know any Catholic priests there?

The positive thing, in my view, is that this young man took the risk to denounce the priests involved in the abuse of seminarians in the North American College.

Most of us are very ignorant regarding the holy books. As you say people take them literally because their priests or pastors do not teach their parishioners. At secondary schools the history of religions is not part of the program. So the cycle of ignorance goes on and on.

In this world there is a little of everything. The holiest men you know are atheists. You will also find a few agnostics, Catholic, Jews, evangelicals, buddhists, or just ordinary people. Among the holiest men, if I can use the word, you have Abu-Ala-Al Maarri, Schopenhauer, Cioran, and a few others whose names I do not remember. Can I include you and Hentrich, Silenus and Ibra?

Pedro Rosillo is a Spanish youtuber and researcher. He is the author of a book El Arconte, a novel based on his research on the demiurge and the archons. I quoted some of his paragraphs in my posts. I saw one of his videos where a French shepherd, owner of thousands of sheep, explains how he deals with his flock. Fortunately there are subtitles in Spanish and so I translated what this shepherd said:

Hello everyone. Today we are at the end of Easter week, 2020. Look it is spring, the cherries are blooming, the dandelions… it is very beautiful.

There is yellow. Yellow is the most. In first place I introduce myself. I am a shepherd and I own thousands of sheep who obey me to down to your finger and also with the stick.My role as a shepherd is to protect them with love, so I feed them well, I take care of them because I know that a well-bred sheep, bred with love is the guarantee a silky wool, quality and a tender meat with a flavor beyond comparison.

This is certain. I love my sheep. Then why are my sheep happy,really happy when I skin them? Why don´t they react? Why don´t they react when I vaccinate them, when I sacrifice them before the altar of gastronomy?
There is a mistery, a mistery. Above all when we know that I am a fragile man that would not be a rival to a furious sheep, one furious sheep can kill me a strike. Therefore well here is the secret:

For a flock of thousands of sheep to be docile, obedient and compliant we only need to play with their fear or with their need for security. For example: When I need to skin or vaccinate them, or confine them or take them to the slaughterhouse, then I shout: Be careful there is a wolf! There is a wolf!

Here I play with (their) fear. “Run fast to the flock!, fast go to the shelter there!
Need for security. And here with a colletive psychosis in where they step on each other´s nails, they go to the flock without even thinking.

Because they are happy to find themselves with security and confined in the flock far from the wolf´s teeth. Fear shortcircuits reflexion, (and) makes their neurons explode and well seeing that a sheep does not have many neurons while its attention is focused is aimed at the wolf, I calmly, skin them, vaccinate them, tattooe them the thigh, chip the rebel sheep, ccastrate the bosses. Of course injecting them with medicines,etc.

When I finish my job I release them in small groups. Then it is true that they let themselves get skinned, they realize this, they see it but they are happy to have escaped from the wolf. They are skinned but still alive; therefore contented and happy. Then I make them bleat with all their heart when the night comes and I ask them to applaud me at 8 o´clock, time for the news report that tells them they escaped from a very great danger.

Of course there are always rebel and black sheep that are the smartest than the others. They understand and have found out my trick. Then they desperately explain to their sister sheep, their like-minded people that if the wolf eats only  two or three sheep, the shepherd is more dangerous,a lot more dangerous because all the sheep will end up being roasted on the table or over the Easter table.

We must expel these black sheep that do not want to get into the flock because they are rebels, free spirits. To those I show them my stick or make my dogs bite them, the best is to behead a black sheep in front of the others; this is super effective. For one sacrificed sheep I frighten thousands who become sweet, sweet as little lambs. I kill one and I subdue thousands. This is the way I suffocate the slightest whim of revolt.

There are many politicians who come to ask me for advice despite the fact that I am a simple shepherd, a poor shepherd but if they ask me this is because we can use these methods of the shepherds with humans.
In effect the difference between the behavior of the sheep and human behavior is that is because there is no difference.
This is the secret, the secret is here; it is not in any other place.

Then when we want to pass unpopular laws, that are not agreeable we do it when the population is afraid. For example we talk of climate crisis, debt crisis, financial crisis, tempests, heat waves,terrorism,health crisis, etc.
Because of the coronavirus is where they play with fear we have been able to lock down not only thousands of sheep but thousands of millions of people on the entire planet over the entire Earth.

Humans confined like animals, dehumanized humans and what worst, most disgusting, the most dramatic is that the the rebel bosses shut their mouths. The big bosses also accept the lockdown.

Then the only way out of this Macchiavellian trap would be a collective awakening. Then I personally don’t waste time in giving more explanations, it is not worth it. It is not really worth it at all.

Because when I explain the strategy for which the sheep are the victims the sheep are already aware so therefore all the explanations are really useless or I find myself with troublesome sheep. And if the are troublesome sheep, they will not understand anything I tell them.   Because they are troublesome sheep.

Therefore you have to be careful because the troublesome sheep is not to blame, they are troublesome, that is all. It is not their fault.

Goodbye for the next video. Think of subscribing and spread the video because I will present myself for the next presidential elections and I need many voters.

And I say: Long live me! Your future dictator president. Choose well. Choose me. Vote for me. So long.   

Stay safe.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2021, 10:02:12 am by raul »


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From the Ninth Circle of Hell ( To Don Raul)
« Reply #796 on: July 23, 2021, 10:36:18 am »
Don Raul,

Thanks for the message. I think it is important to keep one’s mind  beyond the reach of the Archons. But of course , the is not always possible.

Christians and ,especially, the political parties which proclaim themselves as Christian, emphasis the importance for the nuclear family.A husband, a wife and their 2.2 kids.
The problem is, even if we were to bracket the objective reality of their creed for the moment,their founder was a single man in a culture in which everyone got married in their teens and was constantly roaming all over the countryside without putting down his roots anywhere.

By the time, I could comprehend anything properly the erstwhile USSR could only be found in the books and so I wanted to request you to tell me if you remember the time period when USSR was still around and what ,if anything, did you think of it in the mid-1980s or the late 1980s.

While I would rather spend my limited time reading a philosopher than an political economist, I think, that there is one political economist who has almost been forgotten and who is coming back to haunt us soon-Malthus.

Most contemporary thinkers have written him off and they tend to think that the population bomb has been diffused, but I ,for one, believe that it is very much alive  and ticking. While China has managed to rein in its population, I think that, for us here, it might already be too late- the horse has bolted.

I might be writing this to you from hell. Let me go further- I might be writing this to you, from the the ninth circle of hell.

Take care.
La Tristesse Durera Toujours                                  (The Sadness Lasts Forever ...)
-van Gogh.


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Re: A Question for Herr Hauser and Senor Raul
« Reply #797 on: July 26, 2021, 08:49:21 am »

Thank you for your words. Indeed this world is pure hell. And we are its prisoners.
Those who study these Gnostic issues say that there is a battle between good and evil both in heaven and on Earth. And the combat of heaven is reflected here on Earth many times and in an unusual way, in the occult. It is not a war that we can see with the eyes of the body and its battles happen in isolated, obscure and mysterious events.

Since World War II the kingdom of evil, they say, was awaiting an answer, a world of fallen angels, a road for liberation, a combat to the death until the end of times.

Yes, the combat between the kingdom of good and the kingdom of evil is a combat to the death. There is no other way, one of them at the end of times must perish forever.

Those who study Gnosticism also say that in the east the archons are called djinns or genies, archon comes from Greek and they are usually referred to as demons in our western culture. These creatures have been among us for many millennia and that they somehow control not only men but peoples and nations.

These entities have always been mistaken as demons in Christianity, in Islam as genies adopting the name of djinns. The best weapon of these genies has always been the confusion and the lack of information that exists about them. It is understood that that in many cultures these entities have also been confused as gods and human sacrifices have been made to them.

We can find that in pre-Columbian America human sacrifices were common in the pyramids suitable for this purpose. Even today some African tribes still maintain these entities as gods. Witches of these tribes speak and give testimonies that they have been chosen by the god of the tribe to protect it in exchange for favors that the rulers will demand from them throughout their lives.

We have been living in a paradise of fools, of fairy tales. We have been living in an archontic world, a parallel world, and their most powerful world was TV. Yes, TV has been the weapon of mind destruction.

Yes, Christians and, especially, Catholic politicians always talk of of the nuclear family as you say. But most of them are hypocrites. In 2008 Paraguay had as president a former Catholic bishop, Fernando Lugo, who was forced to admit later that he had an affair with a young woman and as a result he fathered a baby.

Later another woman, whose son was not recognized by the former bishop, said earlier that Lugo was a “phenomenon” due to the size of his member. There are other politicians and businessmen who behave in the same way. The current president Mario Abdo is not precisely an example of Christian behavior. It is part of the tradition here. It is through hypocrisy that these human sharks gain power.

I remember reading and watching on TV a little about the invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union in the late 1980s.
I also read about Mikhail Gorbachev and his perestroika and glasnost. Then we had the fall of the Berlin Wall and the execution of Nicolai Ceasescu, the Romanian dictator in December of 1989 and also the invasion of Panama. We were and are far from international events. 1989 for this country meant the fall of the Stroessner regime in February of that year.

I heard of Thomas Malthus the British economist and Anglican pastor. What I understood is that he wrote that population growth will outrun the food supply and mankind will suffer wars, famines, and deaths if there were no limits to reproduction.

I know that India will surpass China in population. China has 1.44 billion and India 1.380. Well, it is understandable that the least populated country is the Vatican City with 799 inhabitants.

One of the first things I learned about India is that because of their religion people respect cows, calves, bulls and do not kill them because they are sacred animals while in Pakistan Muslims do not eat pork because it is forbidden.

Stay vigilant.


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  • Hentrichian Philosophical Pessimist
Watch the Approaching Apocalypse( To Don Raul)
« Reply #798 on: July 27, 2021, 01:11:58 pm »
Don Raul,

Thanks for the message and the information.I am told that the Paraguayan economy was doing doing extremely well in the 1970s-was it because the regime suppressed the left-leaning elements of the society and was aligned with the laissez-faire approach?

Most of the time I am confused and do not know what to make of this world. The would-be mother-in-law of my young cousin is coming to visit his father after a week or so and my uncle has decided that till that day he would read the Hindu scriptures every single day to make sure that that the wedding date is finalised soon.
Truly, it is not exaggeration and no simile, when I say that we breed like rabbits here. While the leaders in the West say this:
Our so-called leaders tell us this:

As George Carlin says one should not get all worked up by reading such things, but should get a bag of popcorn and watch the approaching apocalypse.
The truth is no one reads the kind of philosophy that Schopenhauer associates with this land here anymore. They have not been reading it for a very long time.

They just blabber some kind of senseless mysticism and apparently, this mysticism also entails making a lot of babies.
I want to have nothing to do with them or their so-called mysticism. I would rather learn from you and Herr Hauser and Schopenhauer.

Kafka once wrote:“What do I have in common with Jews? I hardly have anything in common with myself, and really ought to go stand myself perfectly still in a corner, grateful to be able to breathe.”

Well, I could ask the same question-“What do I have in common with Hindus?

Take care.

PS- For you:

La Tristesse Durera Toujours                                  (The Sadness Lasts Forever ...)
-van Gogh.


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Re: A Question for Herr Hauser and Senor Raul
« Reply #799 on: July 27, 2021, 05:09:10 pm »

Thank your for your comments and the links. Unfortunately the video is not available.

Yes, the Paraguayan economy did very well in the 1970s. It was a different time. I think the left leaning elements of society were not very important here. In the 1970s the Stroessner regime did not have the stability problems that the other South American countries had.

Certainly you have nothing in common with your fellow country men, the Hindus. You are an outsider. You see and think too much.

From what you tell about India and its growing population makes me wonder how Klaus Schwab and its World Economic Forum and the globalist centers of power will deal with this issue.

It is easy for Pope Francis and his cardinals to speak from a golden palace in the Vatican City. No matter what the pope says people will continue to ffuck and bring babies into this insane world. Sex keeps this infernal world going.

Stay alert.

P.S. You and the readers of this blog may find this documentary interesting. Its name is Sea of Faith 5 and it is hosted by Don Cuppitt, a British Anglican pastor, I saw it last year.


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Re: A Question for Herr Hauser and Senor Raul
« Reply #800 on: July 28, 2021, 06:12:56 am »
“Life is like a movie, if you've sat through more than half of it and it’s sucked every second so far, it probably isn't going to get great right at the end and make it all worthwhile. None should blame you for walking out early.”

- Doug Stanhope
La Tristesse Durera Toujours                                  (The Sadness Lasts Forever ...)
-van Gogh.

Nation of One

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Coming Undone
« Reply #801 on: July 28, 2021, 07:04:16 am »

"Coming Undone"

Keep holding on
When my brain's tickin' like a bomb
Guess the black thoughts have come Again to get me
Sweet little words
Unlike nothing I have heard
Sing along mocking bird
You don't affect me

That's right
Deliver it to my heart
Please strike
Be deliberate

I'm coming undone
I'm coming undone
Too late
I'm coming undone
What looks so strong
So delicate
I'm starting to suffocate
And soon I anticipate
I'm coming undone
What looks so strong
So delicate

Choke choke again
I thought my demons were my friends
Getting me in the end
They're out to get me
Since I was young
I've tasted sorrow on my tongue
And this sweet sugar gun
Does not protect me

That's right
Trigger between my eyes
Please strike
Make it quick now

I'm coming undone
I'm coming undone
Too late
I'm coming undone
What looks so strong
So delicate
I'm starting to suffocate
And soon I anticipate
I'm coming undone
One looks so strong
So delicate

I'm trying to hold it together
Head is lighter than a feather
Looks like I'm not getting better
Not getting better

I'm coming undone
I'm coming undone
Too late
I'm coming undone
What looks so strong
So delicate
I'm starting to suffocate
And soon I anticipate
I'm coming undone
One looks so strong
So delicate
Things They Will Never Tell YouArthur Schopenhauer has been the most radical and defiant of all troublemakers.

Gorticide @ Nothing that is so, is so DOT edu

~ Tabak und Kaffee Süchtigen ~


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  • Hentrichian Philosophical Pessimist
La Tristesse Durera Toujours                                  (The Sadness Lasts Forever ...)
-van Gogh.


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Re: A Question for Herr Hauser and Senor Raul
« Reply #803 on: July 30, 2021, 12:09:19 am »
For Don Raul:
La Tristesse Durera Toujours                                  (The Sadness Lasts Forever ...)
-van Gogh.


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Re: A Question for Herr Hauser and Senor Raul
« Reply #804 on: July 30, 2021, 07:33:30 am »

Thank you for the article about the Mandeans and the video clip of the Heart of Darkness.

Those who study the archons, like Spanish author Pedro Rosillo, say that in ancient times animals were also offered to the gods. But the archons prefer humans because of their energy of terror when they die; for them the exquisite thing is the energy of human beings because they have consciousness, in fact it is their only food.

Rosillo claims in his novel El Arconte that there are governments around the world that offer the archons sacrifices or banquets in exchange for power.  Sometimes it is not exactly the governments that are involved. People indirectly connected to power who are complicit. They have their henchmen in the secret services who kidnap or organize attacks.
They have also farms in underground bases.

These demonic entities collaborate with the spies of some countries and they offer sacrifices and they help them in whatever they ask us.  What they ask is to dominate another nation or the rest of the nations.

These spies organize massive attacks in their own country and then blame it on the nation they want to go against in order to dominate or attack it. Therefore the attacks are their food... It's so tasty...

There are secret underground bases. There are many humans locked up there. Also in Antarctica there are bases. There are many children caged as if they were animals for experiments, some experiment with them and others offer them to us. That is why they call them farms.

So we discover that we human beings are nothing more than an experiment, we are food and this planet is nothing more than a big farm. We were born to be slaves. We are their food, their delicious food. Their food is our energy.
At the moment of death, when we expire is when we radiate that energy the most....That is our best food. The archons also get our adrenaline, our emotions.

They organize feasts that we ourselves offer them. In ancient times we took them for gods and offered them human sacrifices. They can also be where a large number of people gather to listen to music or practice sports. There the emotions are often very strong and the food is very good.

The Aztecs, before the Spaniards arrived,  offered human sacrifices to those they considered gods.
There are still some tribes in Africa that take the archons for gods. Each archon is the god of a tribe and they sacrifice their children to us to obtain power, especially the sorcerers, those who are chosen to be future priests. Each king has one or more sorcerers in his service and they sacrifice people of the tribe to them to remain in power and they ask them for him and his offspring, so that their descendants remain kings.

These were their worlds! They provoke many wars. It is not convenient for them that there are so many human beings because there may come a time when they could not control them; but the extermination was carried out by the human beings themselves killing each other.

Those demonic beings were handling human beings like a real farm. It was evident that they did not want to exterminate humans as a race because they were left without their toy and without their food, only to eliminate the surplus.

I found in reddit the following:


The tale of Chuang Tzu

"While on a journey, Chuang Tzu found an old skull, dry and parched. With sorrow he lamented and questioned the end of all things. When he finished speaking, he dragged the skull over, and using it for a pillow, lay down to sleep. In the night, the skull came to his dreams and said, 'You are a fool to rejoice in the entanglements of life.' Chuang Tzu couldn't believe this and asked, 'If I could return you to your life, you would want that, wouldn't you?' Stunned by Chuang Tzu's foolishness, the skull replied, 'How do you know it is bad to be dead?'"
~From the video game The Matrix: Path of Neo

Stay safe.


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Heart of Darkness ( To Don Raul)
« Reply #805 on: July 30, 2021, 10:12:27 am »
Don Raul,
Thanks for your message.I left that “Heart of Darkness” video  earlier in the day today because it is connected with this message and I could not send the message sooner.

Conrad wrote a book called Heart of Darkness which is rather well-known.He set the story in Africa. Much as I admire that book,I have to say that I do not believe that Africa should be called the Heart of Darkness.

That is because this land I am writing the message from is the true Heart of Darkness. By several common parameters many African nations are doing much better.

If I were a believer, I would have said that providence sent me to this place so that I could have the front seat when all hell breaks loose.

As good old Kafka writes:
Anyone who cannot cope with life while he is alive needs one hand to ward off a little his despair over his fate...but with his other hand he can jot down what he sees among the ruins, for he sees different and more things than the others; after all, he is dead in his own lifetime and the real survivor.”
I feel that in some way the people around me are zombies who are moved by just two things-desire for money and for babies.
I know people who have four kids or more while they are still in their twenties and who refuse to use any kind of contraception because their “God” does not approve of it.

Of course , God does not. Because as the Gnostics tell us ,it is not god but a vengeful deity.
Yesterday I experienced a couple of panic attacks while I was in the office and then I took some L-theanine and it seems to calm me down a bit. I do not know what the heck I am doing on this rock.

I seem strange to the others because I hardly talk with anyone about anything that is not work related and because I hardly ever get out of the house if I can help it. It’s because I can see the trauma and the  terror that awaits me in every place ,while others are too thick skinned to feel such things.

I think, in earnest, that you and the Gnostics have a point. Your theory is a much better explanation for the horrors all around me than what the church and the temple are offering.

Take care.
La Tristesse Durera Toujours                                  (The Sadness Lasts Forever ...)
-van Gogh.


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« Reply #806 on: July 31, 2021, 10:21:21 am »

I don’t care for the world, for life. It is all meaningless and there is no remedy for the agony I experience. Hunger drives men to go to the offices, maybe libido too. I wonder if there is a way to overcome hunger once and for all.

Seven billion people running around, killing and humiliating each other because their belly aches if they have not gorged something for a few hours.


I am not even counting animals here. I wonder how much food I have eaten since I was a baby. But this hunger is insatiable, I feel fine after I eat for a few hours ,maybe even for a couple of days and then the hunger pangs assail me.

Giving in to them means, for me and for most men, going to an office or a factory, where they will be humiliated ,almost every single day,so, in the final analysis, one is forced to put up with a great deal of suffering and humiliation because one needs to eat.

“Diogenes, an ancient Greek philosopher, would masturbate in public. When asked why he would respond, "If only it were as easy to banish hunger by rubbing my belly."

So, I find that Diogenes also was grappling with the same problem.I sometimes really cannot believe that I am on a planet that is best described as bedlam.
Marx was wrong. Industrial strikes are pointless. The capitalists know how to break them up. If people are serious about getting back at the capitalists then they need to go on a long reproduction  strike. Ricardo knew that about two hundred years back.

I like to think that the day they finally throw me out on the street, I would be philosophical enough and gutsy enough to fight back against hunger, but one never knows such things in advance.

Would I become a waiter once again to feed my belly? That is a possibility.

But I think there might a chink in the robust armor of hunger.I see beggars on the streets, even old ones, who I think, prefer to continue to live, even in great agony, than to face the reality once and for all. But is a humiliating life, without a shred of dignity, worth it?

If one contracts leprosy does one continue to eat? Apparently.Men choose a humiliating life over a dignified death every single day. Am I one of them? I do not know yet.
I suffer from panic attacks and during those attacks it is just terrible, I feel terrible.A complete mess.My nose flares , my breathing becomes rapid. I am just like a cornered animal then. Then again, rightly viewed, is not the whole of life a drawn-out panic attack?

What do I believe in? Gods? Demons? Well, I believe in Hunger and Panic attacks. Because they come and visit me everyday. I concede I do not understand the psychopaths who get married and have babies. I just wish to be left alone in a room.Even without any food. Just for a few days.  A couple of weeks. That should do it.
This world,human world, is build upon deceit and lies. And the natural world?

Upon Hunger.

I have quite a few nephews thanks to my cousins and I cannot help but wonder if at least one of them, when he grows up,would  come to the same conclusions.

Humiliation and Hunger. Hunger and Humiliation.

That is my fate. The fate of all of mankind.

La Tristesse Durera Toujours                                  (The Sadness Lasts Forever ...)
-van Gogh.


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Heart of Darkness
« Reply #807 on: July 31, 2021, 02:47:47 pm »

Thank you for your words, the quote by Kafka and the video clips. I hope you are a little better now after taking the medication for the panic attacks.

Last week I had a strange dream where I saw a vague figure of a dead person with white eyes. I don’t remember much. Was it the Grim Reaper, after all he is a symbol of death himself? I am not sure.

Life is pure horror. Most do not want to see life in that way. Truth hurts.

Gnosticism is a deep issue and I have only shared in the board the little I understand. Those who study Gnosticism say that this world is a hologram.

Yes, a hologram, something that is not real. As if it were an electronic game that someone is dominating from the outside. We are the puppets who are programmed with genetic codes. We are inside a big computer.

I agree with you that Africa should not be called the Heart of Darkness. The real darkness is in the hearts of men and women. I have been a zombie too. That´s the way we have been wired. We follow our programming. It does not matter if there are earthquakes, famines, wars, old age, diseases and death. Life must go on.

The god most people pray to ,according to Pedro Rosillo in his novel El Arconte, is Lucifer. He-is the only Messiah, the only Savior! –He is the father of all creation, of all matter. There was nothing before him, he created the universe, everything that exists, He is the only one. He is our father, He is the father to whom people prayed every night in the name of the prophets. People saw God as a father, because he was missing in the most important moments of people´s lives. He is our father.

I have seen young people with children and I clearly understand that most of them were eager to become parents. I suppose they wanted to become adults.

I have just read that the puppet British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his wife Carrie are expecting their second baby. Lucky baby ! Most babies in many parts of the world end up being victims of trafficking of human organs or satanic rituals.

Last year your response to Ibra was the following:

“Like you,I am  also experiencing a great deal of pressure to become a slave to a woman and to perpetuate misery on this planet.
But I am quite clear in my head-I will not,even if that should mean that I will have to die a dog's death in a street somewhere.”

Stay vigilant.


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Re: A Question for Herr Hauser and Senor Raul
« Reply #808 on: August 02, 2021, 06:45:19 am »
For Don Raul:
La Tristesse Durera Toujours                                  (The Sadness Lasts Forever ...)
-van Gogh.


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  • Posts: 5085
  • Hentrichian Philosophical Pessimist
Re: A Question for Herr Hauser and Senor Raul
« Reply #809 on: August 02, 2021, 08:31:35 am »
One does not have to be insane in order to survive. But its a big advantage.
La Tristesse Durera Toujours                                  (The Sadness Lasts Forever ...)
-van Gogh.