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Re: A Question for Herr Hauser and Senor Raul
« Reply #735 on: June 12, 2021, 07:48:00 am »

Thank you for your words and the video. I hope you are able to stay away from the brood of vipers.

In your post you said that you wanted to be like Godel because he decided to focus on the kind of mathematics which would have philosophical implications.

I think that you have a mind of the highest caliber in trying to study mathematics with philosophical implications. Unlike most of us who have, well, minds of the lowest caliber. And our caliber, let me say, is in another place of the body. Our interests are mundane and shallow.

I found the following in Jacques Lacarriere´s book on the Gnostics:

What means exist, then, for breaking this lumbriciform cycle, for wrenching oneself free of the mentality of a qualified amphibian and shattering the vile mirror that eternally throws back our own reflection and hides from us the true splendours of the hyperworld?

It is possible to reject the beguiling trickery of the world by abstaining from procreation, and the majority of Gnostics did this, refusing to insert the absurd parenthesis of life between prenatal nothingness and death. It is more difficult to abstain from feeding oneself.

All ascetic disciplines, no matter how austere, involve a minimum of nourishment. The greatest saints defecated, just like everyone else. One might, therefore, think of a simpler and more radical solution: suicide. But this solution is the absolute antithesis of the Gnostic attitude. Not one of them, at any time, preached suicide. The aim of the Gnostic is not the conjugate extinction of life and of consciousness, but the mastering of the one and the other, the attainment of a hyper-life and a hyper-consciousness.

What you write reminds me of a story I was told decades ago about the infidelity of a woman. A husband was very jealous of her wife and so he put iron bars on the windows to prevent anything or anyone coming to see his wife when he was away. It turned out that the woman´s lover found a way to copulate, so to speak, with her and what did he do? The woman got undressed in front of the windows and the man fuccked her through the iron bars.

Yes, what you say about Mammon is right. I once said to a neighbor that the true god of this world is money and those who went to Mass or evangelical temples were hypocrites because money was the idol they worship. I also have worshipped Mammon but at least I admit it.

Take care.


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Re: A Question for Herr Hauser and Senor Raul
« Reply #736 on: June 13, 2021, 01:35:10 pm »
Senor Raul,

Thanks for your message. Very depressed today.Would write to you a proper message tomorrow.

Take care.
La Tristesse Durera Toujours                                  (The Sadness Lasts Forever ...)
-van Gogh.


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Re: A Question for Herr Hauser and Senor Raul
« Reply #737 on: June 13, 2021, 06:52:57 pm »

Thank you for your words. I am also very depressed. I envy the dead right now. My mood is gloomy, to say the least.

As I told you once if I ever stop writing here, well, it means that I am no longer here. But I will always remember Hentrich, you and the others who wrote in the board. It is great to have read and written in the board.

Stay safe.


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Crazy World ( To Senor Raul)
« Reply #738 on: June 14, 2021, 03:56:34 pm »
Senor Raul,

Thanks for your message. Hope you are doing well.Life is very painful.I wanted to ask you if you have run into Jehovah's Witnesses and if yes, what do you make of them?
I think Kafka had it backwards, he should have turned a bug into a man. Bugs ,I am told, have bare minimum consciousness and its the human beings who suffer a great deal.

There are so many cults all around and yet none bigger and more devious than LIFE itself.

Take care.
My life is like this:
La Tristesse Durera Toujours                                  (The Sadness Lasts Forever ...)
-van Gogh.


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Re: A Question for Herr Hauser and Senor Raul
« Reply #739 on: June 15, 2021, 06:59:45 am »

Thank you for your comments and the video Paranormal Activity.

I read somewhere that famous filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock before he died in April 1980 played his final joke: there was no coffin at his funeral. He had quietly arranged to have himself cremated beforehand.

I hope you are doing well given the circumnstances you are living in.

Indeed life is painful and yet most of us cling to life every single second. The will to life is powerful and its clutches are strong. This world is hell and we are trapped by demons who enjoy living off on our suffering.

We were brought to this world where sadists, judges, victims and executioners live together. The Christians say that we must have faith, hope and charity. I don´t have any of them.

Life is the biggest cult, as you say and I hear people saying that all of us must save lives.

I ran into a few times with Jehova´s Witnesses because I walk past their temple from time to time. I saw they were well dressed and holding bibles. I don´t know if they are having services with the restrictions.

Some time ago I read a book called El Campo Santo by an Argentinian journalist, Fernando Almirón in 1995 based on interviews with a retired Argentinian sargent Victor Ibáñez, This guy was part of Campo de Mayo, a military installation, during the Dirty War (1976-1983). He witnessed brutal tortures and helped transport the bodies of the supposed subversives.

In one part he talked about the prisoners who were flown in military planes and then thrown to the sea. Sometimes the bodies were found near Uruguay.

In the interview Ibañez talked about the eliminators who mutilated the bodies so that they could drown easily in the sea. Those in the group always brought a lot of whisky and supposedly drank a lot to have more courage.

Ibañez met there a subofficer who spoke half in Guarani and half in Spanish. The guy belonged to the cavalry división. Probably he was from Corrientes or Misiones. Corrientes is not very far from the border with Paraguay. The subofficer told Ibañez that the eliminators opened up the stomach of the prisoners with a mountain knife so that the bodies could float in the sea and thus they attracted the sharks.

The eliminators rotated on a permanent basis. Each one of them had to have their hands stained with blood. It was a platoon of three or four men who were in charge of opening up the bodies of the prisoners during the flight to their destination. The guy using the knife was more constant and so he was the one who instructed the others.

Again homo sapiens sapiens is a monstrosity concocted by a malevolent deity.

Stay safe.


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Dodging the Bullet Called Feminine Charm
« Reply #740 on: June 15, 2021, 01:52:53 pm »

Senor Raul,

Thanks for your message. That anecdote about Dirty War was really interesting.
So,I am astounded when I see how easy it is for pretty women for seduce men.Every fairly intelligent men. But I think there might be a way out.

This is a strange world indeed. A world of pain. I like to think about why it is that even great thinkers whom I admire a lot like Cioran and Godel, could not resist the feminine charm and why is it that that I have managed to dodge it so far.

Could it be that I am an even more intelligent thinker? I think not. They were truly gifted.
So, the only reason that seems feasible to me is that at some point of time in their lives they turned self-complacent.I have not made that mistake so far. I intend to very much keep my guard up.

You, of course, have done have manged to dodge the bullet of the feminine charm for a much longer period( a professor at the university where I am a lowly undergraduate student) and wish to learn from you( supposing I am unfortunate enough to live long,I mean it, I wish when I go to sleep, I just never awake up,its all pointless,I see that now.)

Take care.

P.S.You might like this:
La Tristesse Durera Toujours                                  (The Sadness Lasts Forever ...)
-van Gogh.


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Re: A Question for Herr Hauser and Senor Raul
« Reply #741 on: June 16, 2021, 04:39:40 pm »

Thank you for your words and the video.

We should not be surprised if pretty women seduce men. The power of the ddick is formidable. Whatever we do sex will be in our heads.It is part of our human nature.

I think you have managed to avoid the feminine charm because you are a sensible and sensitive person.Above all you in my view have been able to control the sex urge. Not many can do that. Certainly I can´t do it. 

As you know many resort to watching pporn for adults as a way out. Others live secluded lives far away from the cities or go and join the Catholic congregations and become monks. But now we have a new situation. The governments around the world give us vaccines free of charge that will sterilize most people. Insulin is expensive but the vaccine is free. How thoughtful of them!

Stay alert.


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Sinister Fog Surrounds My Brain(To Senor Raul)
« Reply #742 on: June 17, 2021, 12:50:02 pm »
Senor Raul,

Thanks for your message I hope you are doing well. It is terrible to be inside this prison of flesh 365/24/7.Do you think someday we would be set free? Not very likely.

What are your earliest memories and at what age did you come in possession of them?

Some people believe that when they kill an animal for consuming it, they should kill it in such a way as to keep the heart pumping for as long as possible so that all the blood is pumped out.

Have you read books on Crusades?If yes, what do you think about them?

I am trying to take things one day at a time and yet,most of the time, I am a nervous wreck.

Sinister fog surrounds my brain.I am on of the buffoon LIFE likes to amuse itself with. When the buffoon is frayed,it would be thrown into the trash heap without a second thought.

Take Care.

P.S.:This is for you-
La Tristesse Durera Toujours                                  (The Sadness Lasts Forever ...)
-van Gogh.


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Re: A Question for Herr Hauser and Senor Raul
« Reply #743 on: June 18, 2021, 08:15:40 am »

Thank you for another Paranormal Activity video.

Someday would we be set free? No. I think the cycle of horror is endless. There is neither rescue nor escape. Endless suffering and anguish awaits us.

Is it not strange that if we live to be 75 or 85 years old we are insignificant before the universe and yet we, each one of us, feel ourselves important?

Some students of the Gnostics say that we must have hope because there is a spark that does not belong to the malignant creator of our bodies. There must be something good, well hidden inside us.
Indeed the prison of the flesh is overwhelming, to say the least. We are flesh; we are matter which is a prison. My body is a prison, the planet is a prison, and society is a prison. The human condition is really miserable. Anyway, what do I know really?

We, as humans, have been conditioned that it is normal to have been brought to this prison called Earth. Omce I read a basic definition of karma. Is it because of karma that we were brought here? Is this a punishment or a kidnapping? After the death can this spark escape from the demiurge? It remains to be seen.
It is normal to have been born in a body of a hominid, to have ears full of wax, a hairy asss, a hairy nose; everything is normal.It is logical, so we are told, that we are here on Earth.
Nothing is questioned. What is the cosmos? What are we? These questions are not deemed important.

Apparently it is reasonable to enjoy this so-called life fully. But when you realize that this world is full of pain, well, things do not look normal, to say the least. Experiencing the so-called life is not normal. But these issues are too deep for most of us and we not want to complicate our lives.

I had my earliest memories at the age of 7. At that age I remember I had a car accident and a surgery was performed on my head.  I remember feeling suffocated. I think that is the reason I cannot stand being in closed spaces.
Another memory is when my mother, upset with me, spilled hot water on my feet. I must have been 6 or 7. At primary school, first grade, I think, I stole some school items. I killed a little bird with a stick at 8 or 9 at my grandmother´s house. I remember many other things vaguely while other memories are a little clearer. Very few memories are nice.

On the issue of killing an animal for consuming its flesh, that only reminds me of what I read as I told you about the tortures of the so called subversives in the Dirty War in Argentina.
On May 16,1976 a body was found near the River Plate, on the Uruguayan coasts. The body belonged to Floreal Avellaneda, kidnapped with his mother and wife. His hands and legs were tied with wire. He had a deep wound in one of the legs. It was found out later that he died because of the “empalamiento”, impaling, a system used by his torturers in El Campito, a military establishment. I don´t know if the Stroessner political police used that method here in the 1960s and 1970s.

I have read a few articles about the Crusades.They are just another episode of our human stupidity and madness.The Dirty War (1976-1983) in Argentina was a sort of crusade because many Catholic priests approved of the methods used by the military Right now we are under a new sort of crusade aka the p(l)andemic and we are the persecuted.

Stay safe.


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Torture Chamber ( To Senor Raul)
« Reply #744 on: June 19, 2021, 01:00:47 pm »
Senor Raul,

Thanks for your message. I am sorry about your sad childhood and hope that you are feeling well.Life is terrible.No two ways about it. A lot of people feel that they were abducted by the aliens when they were asleep and the aliens conducted a lot of weird experiments on them.

The truth is ,we were abducted when we were born and the painful experiments continue ceaselessly till we drop deal. Dead like a dodo.
Most of life makes no sense to me ,precisely because it is senseless.Probably what were demons to the ancients ,have been transformed into aliens,now.

Strange dreams the whole night long. With no rhythm or reason.Maybe with a reason so deeply buried ,that I cannot understand it.
People would continue to procreate so long as they can. If Mr.Gary were more pessimistic, then he would see that. I see that. It is quite evident. It would take a natural calamity to wipe us out. It would not happen involuntary.

Some say that he like Schopenhauer, well, he is not. If he is like any philosopher at all, then, he is like  Eduard von Hartmann.
Lovecraft believed that if would have been better if he belonged to the 18th century, and I suspect that I might have felt better, if I were born around Schopenhauer’s birth year.But maybe not. Maybe I just abhor all the historical periods and all of the possible birth places.

Chickens have very bad lives. Especially the ones born in industrial farms. They suffer a great deal of torture. All this pain could literally drive one out of his mind ,were one to focus upon it relentlessly.Hence, the distractions.

I cannot bring myself to speak a single word to anyone. I am terrified of human beings because they are the worst monsters that Existence were vomited out. Sometimes I think I might just about take a snake over a human being.

Conard in his book “Heart of Darkness” described Africa as probably the least civilized place on the face of this planet. Well, I am afraid it is not Africa. It is where I am. They are just like robots who understand nothing except for consumption and reproduction. They eat and pump out babies.That is all. That is all they are concerned with. The anomalies are required to hang themselves from the nearest tree.

It might literally be the ninth circle of hell. Even the so-called animals are far more civilized. If you throw them( animals) a biscuit,they might look upon you with gratitude. But people here are such that if you were to give them a biscuit,they will look at the act  as your weakness and would try to devour your flesh too.Yes, it is that bad here.

As a kid ,I went to the circus a couple of times, and I saw the animals which were skeletal because they were never fed properly and the owner was always obese.Half the population in the world is undernourished and the other half is obese. Here, in the cities, you would be hard pressured to find a single man who is not over weight. They are eating all the time. Making a babies all the time. All the goddamn time.

I won’t mind leaving this planet one bit,not one bit. This place we are in is a veritable torture chamber. There is no other hell. I am in the very heart of darkness. Darkness without end.

Most of the movies push an agenda. The agenda of promoting mindless consumption and reproduction. I rarely come across a movie in which the protagonist is without a romantic interest.

Well, I am interested in horror. Because that I what I see all around me,even within me.Pervasive really. Even when I sleep, the horror is present in my dreams. Such weird nightmare.I am always in pain in my nightmares. Frightened and running.

Take care.

La Tristesse Durera Toujours                                  (The Sadness Lasts Forever ...)
-van Gogh.


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Re: A Question for Herr Hauser and Senor Raul
« Reply #745 on: June 20, 2021, 07:23:17 am »

Thank you for your words. I am not feeling well. But that is part of life. As you say life is terrible. Yes, my childhood was very sad, depressing, and bitter. My deceased parents were cruel in bringing me to this living cemetery.

Both of them complained about my bitterness and resentment many decades ago. But they were just victims of their programmers. Now they are resting in peace.

Coming to this world is easy but leaving it is extremely difficult. Suicide may help us leave this existence here but what
about existence in general?

I read about the abduction by aliens and their weird experiments. And probably as you say in times past the demons were aliens.  I think this planet is some kind of laboratory and humans are the guinea pigs or lab rats. What we are seeing now with the so-called pandemic is, in my view, a confirmation of this gloomy view.

I will never say this to anyone here. It is a very unpleasant view. They will say I am a very negative person or will tell me to go and kill myself.

We, human beings, are demoniac predators. We are the demiurge´s little demoniac lieutenants if we follow the Gnostic view. And yet we little predators are exploited to the full. Is that not the meaning of life?

One thing is clear: I do not want to be an executioner or a victim but here I am.

We are civilized savages. The issue of civilization reminds me of the 215 corpses of indigenous children found in Canada. Supposedly Canada is a civilized country. I wonder if they were victims of ritual sacrifice.What those children suffered is beyond our imagination and yet this cruelty happens all the time here, there and everywhere.
Sweden is a civilized country but I heard the suicide rate is huge.

In Mexico very young people end up being hanged from bridges or their bodies are disemboweled by brutal drug traffickers. Here in avenues I see indigenous women with their children begging for a little money.

We have been living under deception and that is the reason people will never accept that we are just puppets. A good way to escape this hell is living in a cave as a hermit.

Indeed chicken live very bad lives. Our so-called modern cities are industrial farms too. That is why we need distractions in the form of drugs, entertainment, soccer, in short, bread and circus. But now they want us more under control even resorting to insert chips in our bodies.

The chickens remind me of those monkeys subjected to tests in cages. Human created a perfect hell for them. We, humans, lack compassion and empathy.

Take care.


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Dumb Suffering (To Senor Raul)
« Reply #746 on: June 22, 2021, 12:51:15 pm »

Senor Raul,

Thanks for your message.I hope that you begin to feel better, if you are not feeling good.
Suicide may help us leave this existence here but what
about existence in general?-Senor Raul

How is “this existence” different from “existence in general”? How do you mean?

I like horror movies, as I have said before,because they come closest to reflecting the grim reality we are all surrounded by,and yet no horror book or movie, could come even close to depicting how bad things are.
I have had a bad life and would probably have a bad death too.

Life is dysfunctional. If it were a refrigerator,it would heat things up, instead of cooling them down. I do not know who came up with the idea of life as a “gift”,but he must have been a sadist.

My father, a few days back was telling me about a colleague of his ,who, so he tells me, is neither articulate, nor is he careful with simple calculations( he is about my age). I asked him if that man has a baby. He told me that he has a baby about 9 months old.

My father likes that fact that that man has a baby because that baby looks “cute”.
If we were moving towards some kind of goal by putting up with all this suffering then maybe it would make sense it some kind of way but there is no goal.Just suffering.

Just dumb suffering.

Take care.
P.S.This is for you:

La Tristesse Durera Toujours                                  (The Sadness Lasts Forever ...)
-van Gogh.


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Re: A Question for Herr Hauser and Senor Raul
« Reply #747 on: June 23, 2021, 10:13:55 am »

Thank you for your response and the video. I hope you are all right there.
The Paraguayan Ministry of Health has decreed that all citizens from 1969 onwards must register for vaccination in its website. I was expecting this. Let´s see what happens.

It is sad that your father always insists on the baby-making issue.  There is an expression in Latin: Audaces fortuna iuvat, it means more or less, the fortune helps those wh are brave. You are brave to stand up against your parents´wishes.

I often think that it is  a contradiction to oppose abortion where we know that in the end children will die nonetheless.
I apologize for not writing in a clear way.  What I wanted to say was that suicide helps us leave this life but I ask myself if it is the end of everything. 

I remember reading about the Bogomils. Bogomil and his followers say that ‘it is by the devil’s will that all exists; the sky, the sun, the stars, the air, mankind, the churches, the cross; all that belongs to God they ascribe to the devil; in short everything that moves on the earth, whether it has a soul or not, they ascribe it to the devil’.
Moreover, the devil was given the name Mammon, by which they refer to the ‘creator and architect of things terrestrial’. It is Mammon who ordered ‘men to take wives and eat meat and drink wine ’, and those who live in the world and marry are servants of Mammon.

Bogomil and his followers always claimed to be true Christians – and it is equally important that they believed the scriptures taught that God did not create the world but the devil did.
Like you I like horror movies and as you say they do not come even close to depicting how bad things are. I also have the feeling that I will have a horrible death.

Life is not a gift. Life is a punishment. Earth is a human farm where humans come to hurt each other.

Stay safe.


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Painful Illusions (To Senor Raul)
« Reply #748 on: June 24, 2021, 12:22:11 pm »
Senor Raul,

I am sorry that they want you vaccinate you.My suggestion is that you could try to procrastinate for as long as possible, and when that is not possible,you could declare yourself as “conscientious objector” and they might accept it.

I have not taken the vaccination so far, though my parents keep pestering me along with the employers .

I ask myself if it is the end of everything. -Senor Raul

Do you believe that after a man is dead and buried, he continues to exist in someway? If yes, in what manner?

I went out to get some medicines and saw a lot of pretty ladies walking their poodles.All of them sponsored by the rich men. I feel no jealousy,only disinterest.What I am doing,well,trying to do, is far more interesting. Something Schopenhauer would have found worth looking at ,at the very least.
It goes to the very heart of darkness and yet is as rigorous as any mathematical theorem.

Two fat street dogs were trying to chase me and might have tried to bite me.I managed to escape but I think it would be better if I start ordering things I need on-line.

It's all so complicated. And dangerous. Everyone could be harmed. Horror and fear are the building blocks of this universe.There is very little intelligence here. The little there is wishes to disappear. This is not a game that could be won, no matter how smart the players maybe.

If I must stay alive then I would probably like to live as a microbe. Without consciousness.The God idea, it goes without saying, is pure nonsense. There is no good god.
Maybe advanced aliens do not contact us because they decided to deliberately go instinct because  to continue to breath is not worth it.

If they were handing out vaccines that caused death without severe pain, then ,I might think about it.

It’s all an illusion,which I guess, is fine, the problem is, it is an extremely painful illusion.

Take care.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2021, 12:25:42 pm by Holden »
La Tristesse Durera Toujours                                  (The Sadness Lasts Forever ...)
-van Gogh.


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Re: A Question for Herr Hauser and Senor Raul
« Reply #749 on: June 25, 2021, 06:57:18 am »

Thank you for your words and the video clip. I saw the movie many years ago but it is worth watching it again.

I think it is safer for you order things you need online. You will avoid dangerous dogs and also some dangerous human demons.

Here the government wants everybody vaccinated like branded cattle. I will postpone it as long as possible. Here we only use “conscientious objectors” to avoid military service.

I read that the Municipality of the capital, at least one town councilor, Hugo Ramírez, whose nickname is Musculín, or Little Muscle, is suggesting that only vaccinated people can attend soccer matches, or any event with large gatherings.

In my case my sister keeps pestering me to get the jab as you say in English. The social pressure is very strong. The hospitals are not able to take patients because there are no available beds.
Most people are even selling their cars, houses or using up all their savings to pay for the medicines and the treatment.

If something happens to me or to my sister, I had better die soon because I have no one to turn to here.
Here according to the health authorities, at least 100 people are dying because of the covid every day. I have my doubts about those numbers.

In my view my “I” will probably migrate, so to speak, into another prison, another body and continue suffering for millennia and millennia.  Exploitation will continue.

Given the circumnstances I could have become a serial killer or a prolific mass murderer like Chairman Mao, Cambodyan Pol Pot, the Reverend Jim Jones, or like Swiss Klaus Schwab, from the World Economic Forum, planning depopulation. They too were a result of human copulation. 

We are all harmed because we, humans, are demoniac clowns. We enjoy making people suffer. I suppose our survival instinct makes us become psychopaths. That is the reason we survive in this world of horrors. It explains the wars, the economic crises, chaos, murders, genocides, etc.

We watch horrors on a daily basis on TV and yet most people, including me, will keep drinking and celebrating with a good mood when we have just watched a man jumping off from a bridge or watching some indigenous mothers with children sleeping in the streets on TV.

Maybe these alien creatures are as demonic as humans are. What a lethal combination!

Stay alert.

By the way I read that a building collapsed in Miami and among the possible victims are relatives of the Paraguayan First Lady.
(Q)The Storm Rider, whose words I often transcribe in the board, says:
“Buildings just don´t fall down in Florida<
Bridges just don´t just collapse in DC<
>BLACK ops>